
I am shocked, shocked I tell you . . . to find that it is possible for these fuck heads to feel any shame whatsoever. Frankly I am sure the only reason he had to withdraw is that Trump saw the clip, his dementia clouds separated for a moment and he realized it made him look bad, personally.

Aliens, if you are listening, we would gladly welcome you as our new overlords, because, frankly, we’ve royally fucked this whole self-governance thing up.

Good luck organizing for the DSA in Trump country.

You could, you know, maybe stop being a total dick to immigrants who want to come here and work hard taking care of all our old people.

They win by depressing turnout - which is far easier.

When they go low, we go lower.

The individual mandate is about to be repealed, thus beginning the end of the ACA, and the shit burger coming out of conference is not even remotely moderate, by any stretched out meaning of that word.

I think it is clear that progressives need to mobilize the black vote everywhere and should offer policies, and run candidates, designed to do that. More women candidates should also be running. I don’t know that the Democrats need to do much more than that in terms of self-identifying, but you are probably right, in

If we don’t start fighting, and I mean dirty, we are going to continue to lose.

There aren’t enough right-wing reactionaries to win that way either, and yet they somehow control all three branched of government right now. That is precisely because they understand that politics is about taking and holding power to achieve your goals regardless of what your enemy says.

Shouldn’t we, as progressives, identify, define, and then destroy, our enemies? I am tired of pretending like understanding the other side matters. They are wrong and need to be brought to heel.

Even a goddamned liberal Hollywood actor knows how to ride a horse better than that.

I think the GOP, like everyone else, looked at the demographic trends and said, “fuck it, we can either go down quietly, or take the whole country down with us.” They clearly chose the latter.

He will always be “one of our presidents” no matter what happens now.

His disgusting portrait will hang in the white house from now until the end of America. I keep thinking of that list of presidents - when it came to Obama I always thought, “hey, it’s not perfect, but we can always do better!” That happy thought has been permanently erased.

It does, and I flagged the Russian.

What the fuck are you on about? Women’s rights? Being pro-choice is the ONLY essential position to hold if one want’s to be consider pro-women’s-rights. I am getting a strong whiff of FancyBear off of you.

He’s not getting impeached. The GOP doesn’t give two shits if one their own rapes baby kittens for a living as long as they keep the religious lunatics oiled up, protect corporate profits and keep as many guns as possible in the hands of the worst people on earth.

He’s not getting impeached. Moore will win today and the Republicans will retain control of the house and senate. Besides, you can’t undo the fact that Donald Motherfucking Trump was, at one time, the president of the united states. That will leave a permanent stain.

His “strategy” of being so awful and continuously saying awful things is working: I am exhausted. Just add it to the ever-growing pile that is so large it will eventually bury us all under a suffocating blanket of horribleness.