That’s why we have to be pure as the driven snow, so that a standard is set - and any deviation will not be tolerated, culture-wide.
That’s why we have to be pure as the driven snow, so that a standard is set - and any deviation will not be tolerated, culture-wide.
I don’t mean “call for” I mean remove, post-haste.
Look, we should be above reproach, regardless of any equivalency algorithm. We need to hammer them from now until 2018. Their dotards will never care, but the MSM will, and that’s who the 53% of white women who voted for Trump get their news from. That’s our only audience, and they are highly susceptible to “both…
I am all for removing Franken and Conyers immediately just so we can throw this disgusting piece of shit to the wolves without any hint of hypocrisy.
So The Donald was right about one thing: it IS a dump!
There were a few weeks there where I started to think that we weren’t going to all die in a nuclear war, but that’s over now, and in retrospect, I was just kidding myself.
What effort? Are you going to educate the evil out 30% to 50% of your fellow Americans? That’s plain naive. They do not believe in the same set of facts that you do - and the more you try to insist on those facts - the more they will disavow them. Regaining political control of the government will not change this…
Basically never.
America is done. Finished. It’s all over except for the shooting. There is no walking back this level of cognitive dissonance. Either we will devolve into civil war on our own, or we will be forced into it by some outside force like the end of our insane, seemingly, up-to-this-point, consequence-free, 50 year economic…
Answer: “No, I don’t look enough like Ivanka.”
Trump would sell his own grandchildren into slavery if he needed to.
She makes me gag.
I think installing Sanders as spokesperson may be Trump’s most actually legitimately genius move. She is such a clod, her whole manner is so insultingly dumb, she says such infuriatingly awful things, all the time, but because she’s a woman, and because she stays deadly calm while spinning Trump’s lies she doesn’t…
Again with the facts . . . .
Trump will always win in the end because he has no shame. His dotards don’t care about any single fact, they only care about the feeling of sticking it to coastal elites, which Trump undeniably does.
I agree that, in purely human terms, Franken being fired for this sends the right message to young women, and especially men, that this behavior will not be tolerated, even a little bit. In political terms however, Republicans actually think sexual harassment is a good thing, they will not pay a political price for…
Trump proved that there is only one necessary political trait in the modern world: having absolutely no shame. I mean like zero shame about anything. If we can’t rock with that, we will lose, and maybe that’s the right thing to do. After all, it’s just a race to the bottom now.
Now it’s John Conyers. Only democrats will be exposed, and only democrats will have enough shame to resign.
No, I specifically said Franken should resign (if literally anyone demands it). Just know that once he does, sexual assault will become a “democrat problem” - actually it already is because only Democrats think there’s something wrong with it.