Right, but from now on somewhere between 30% and 50% of the country will believe that sexual assault is a “Democrat problem”. They literally don’t even know that there are allegations against Trump.
Right, but from now on somewhere between 30% and 50% of the country will believe that sexual assault is a “Democrat problem”. They literally don’t even know that there are allegations against Trump.
Because Republicans have no shame and Americans have no attention span.
I agree.
All I can be certain of at the moment is that I need to do a better job of copy-editing my comments before I hit “publish”.
Okay already, we all threw Franken overboard the second these allegations come up. If you want him to resign, fine. He should resign. Just realize that if we let Franken go, without, at the same time, taking down Trump for his, at the very least, equal offenses, we will never take Trump, down and his accusers will be…
The only potential upside to Trumpism is that all these dotard enabling homunculi are all going to hit the pavement, hard. Fingers-crossed!
My problem is no longer with these racist leaders - my problem is with the regular-old stupid fucking racist Americans who enable them. I honestly do not see how this gets resolved without violence. Edumacation is not going to do it. These people are not educateable. They are the enemies of progress. They, and their…
Stalinism and Maoism are responsible for the genocidal behavior you (and basically everybody) associate with communism which is a different thing. If you run into an actual loud and proud Stalinist, feel free to punch them in the face.
Isn’t the DOJ supposed to operate independently?
You are more than welcome to come back to me when some new type of American Stalinist Communism is dangerously resurgent, until then, however, you can save your false equivalence.
Straw man much?
If this American Hero doesn’t have an awesome new job ASAP - we deserve every terrible thing that happens to us.
Sorry Andrew, this isn’t slimy enough for you to be named President.
Well, I am sure this is going to help the Dem’s win in 2020. Get ready for 8 years of Trump.
Ha, ha, ha and all that. “What an idiot!” all us smart people say. But, make no mistake Trump’s Dotards will love this. It’s perfect MAGA branding.