
I was drinking on election night, in a celebratory mood, and as the awful truth dawned on me the alcohol just curdled in my stomach. I literally get nauseous when I even consider drinking a beer, it’s fucked up.

Only twitter rumor and conjecture. Still, it’s a possibility.

I literally stopped drinking on election night. It’s Pavlovian.

He’s a cooperating witness, which COULD mean wire - and he’s been cooperating for a while now.

It’s looking better and better by the minute.

Oh, this is looking good - Papadopoulos may have been wearing a wire. And thank god we get to say “Papadopoulos” a thousand times a during this whole circus!

I feel the faint stirrings of warmth creeping into my cold, dead heart. I want it to be true, but I’m wary, so very wary.

Let’s all hope but my standing counter-point to this hopeful line of argument is now and always will be Scooter Libby.

Manafort is a slimy ass fuck who definitely belongs in jail - and I know this is most likely a pressure move from Mueller - but let me just say, if he is the only person who ends up doing time off this I am going to remain pissed off.

Pretty sure they don’t want to wear chastity belts - and the thing with divorce is that they would SAY that they want it outlawed but they are really just a bunch of bible-thumping hypocrites.

I say the Dems take this up a notch next time they are in power and ban divorce, pre-marital sex, viagra and force men to wear chastity belts.

In other words, Donald Trump is the president America deserves.

Came here to comment, but you basically said it all so . . .

Donald Trump is somewhat-to-very likely to start a nuclear war simply because of his mental instability. His Narcissistic Personal Disorder, mixed with lifelong speed abuse, and encroaching senility, make him uniquely dangerous to the future of human life on planet earth.

Well it’s either single-payer or the end of civilization, so I still give it 50/50.

That’s also the way I am currently leaning. it’s all just a little too on-the-nose to be purely coincidental.

Thanks for making single-payer inevitable you dotard.

It’s funny because the eagle is literally America.

#1 Way to take a jokey comment too seriously.

To be fair God has always been a murderous bastard.