
I’m not sure about that. Even the nice/“innocent” ones among us are still basically collectively guilty when it comes to the larger questions of American Imperialism.

Donald Trump’s continued existence is proof-positive that there is no God. Either that or God is deservedly punishing us for being a bunch of fucking assholes. So basically we still don’t know.

I may be going way out on a limb here, but I am not entirely sure this guy is qualified for this job.

Even if we wanted to put this genie back in the bottle, the only people who could compete with Trump’s name recognition will be other already famous people. So basically that’s either movie stars or CEO’s, not sure which is worse.

But Americans are a bunch of stupid hicks, so your facts don’t matter.

Actually Barack Obama was a pretty good president, who dedicated his life to public service, so basically everything you believe is utter bullshit.

and yet . . . . all El Presidentes from now (provided we survive this one) on will almost certainly be CEO’s. Because Americans are stupid assholes.

Hy idiots! If these were all conspiracies, they suck! Cause what they conspirators would have wanted didn’t come to pass! Unless you think this was all just a nefarious plot to deprive you of bump-stocks!

Locally? Yeah, it’s still at best 50/50 jerks.

There ARE good people, they just aren’t the majority.

A slight majority of eligible voters did not vote to install a ham-fisted criminal syndicate. But when you consider that on top of the bucket of scum who voted for Trump there is a full 42% of lazy assholes who couldn’t be bothered, then I’d say my point still stands. Bad people, bad culture, bad country.

I am pretty sure that America, including all of us here, doesn’t deserve to continue existing. That we have elevated these criminals to the top of our garbage pile is all the evidence needed that this is a bad country with a bad culture that is generally up to no good.

Donald Trump is the president America deserves. Because America is a bad place.

Don Jr. says it’s so we can get kids to start shooting earlier.

There is an exactly zero percent chance that this shooting will lead to any legislation.

If we don’t see the victims, and I mean their bullet-riddled bodies, the whole thing is abstract. As a result, after a short period of mourning, everyone moves on. Las Vegas will be no different.

If Newtown didn’t do it nothing will.

Then prepare to have your hopes dashed.

Become? I am certain there are many law-abiding minority gun-owners as is.