
If liberals want gun control they are going to need to buy some guns and make a big stink about it at the same time.

Exactly, that is the one and only example we have of restrictions being applied to gun ownership. Conservatives will never be swayed by moral arguments, but make them personally scared and they will go to any lengths to address those fears.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: the only way to actually achieve any kind of meaningful gun-control in this country if liberals, specifically liberals who also happen to be minorities, especially African-Americans, arm themselves loudly and proudly to the fullest extent of the law while making a big

Republicans are garbage people.

What kind of a man makes bold, public pronouncements and then slinks away into the shadows when fortune changes course? Answer: a measly fucking coward.

I know Trump takes the cake, but if not for him, Kush would be the ultimate example of a white man failing upwards.

Look, there is only one sane solution here: violent revolution that ultimately destroys the country. Everything else is hand-waving.

Katrina was a defining moment in the Bush presidency, because it clearly showed that a careless idiot was in charge and in way over his head. Since we already know that Trump has Bush beat on the careless idiot front by like a million miles, I wonder if even this horrible crisis will affect the views of his hordes of

Intellectually I care. Emotionally, I am drained to the point of permanent exhaustion by all this shit. The only thing that made me smile in the past 3 days is “dotard” and that is fucked up.

I get that it’s bad to wish for something bad to happen to someone else, even someone as reprehensible as Betsy DeVos, but, as we have seen, conservatives only care about something if it directly impacts them, personally. So my question is, what bad thing needs to happen to Betsy DeVos to show her the error of her

That’s great and all, but it is imperative that Paul Fucking Manafort not become the convenient Scooter Libby shaped scapegoat for all this Russia shit.

She’s just a trophy wife that probably hates The Donald more than we ever could, just counting the days till he keels over from all that speed and McDonald’s. She can’t possibly be expected to pay attention to the twitter rantings of somebody she can’t stand to be in the same room with for more than 5 minutes.

Thanks, world, for the daily reminder that the Republican Party is a clear and present danger to the world.

Rules Don’t Apply was a terrible movie. That being said, the scene with Mnuchin is incredible. He just sits there like a mannequin for the whole scene looking all gawky and awkward. Motherfucker you can’t even act like a real person in real life, why do you want to pretend to be an actor? Clearly his presence was

What’s the over and under on oval office BJ’s here?

I’d really like to know the precise amount of their budget overruns have been paid directly to Trump Inc.

That’s because they are accurately described as a basket of deplorables.

I am just thinking back to theslot coverage around January, which definitely featured his tie issues prominently.

I remember the good old days when two of the top 10 worst things about Trump were that he was a confirmed pussy-grabber whose ties were 4 inches too long and scotch-taped on the back.