
The only thing I fault Clinton for is backing down from the “Deplorables” statement. She should have said, “damn right, racists, rapists, and traitors; you all are a bunch of deplorable motherfuckers.”

The CSA was an enemy country who fought a war against the USA dummy. You know, like the fucking Nazis.

Fuck Cruella DeVille in training over there. She’s probably the most evil one of all. Always look out for the quiet ones.

If ever there was a man, and a movement, who deserved to be labeled retarded it is Donald Trump and his bucket of scum. But hey, the hive mind has spoken, we are not allowed to use the word “retard” anymore. Idiot and Moron are apparently OK, even though they mean the same thing.

Jesus fucking Christ - HOISTED! HOISTED! HOISTED! All right!?

This fucking guy. I believe the phrase is “hung by is own petard”.


So many great burns . . .

If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

The Confederacy should be treated in America the same way the Germans treat the Third Reich and Nazi’s: shame and denunciation. Flying the battle-flag should be illegal and there should be zero statues to confederate soldiers or generals. They fought a war, and lost. To the victors go the spoils. Allowing these things

Only idiots think socialism and communism are the same thing. Read a fucking book - or, at the very least, this article that lists the top 10 countries in the world - most of whom rank pretty high on the socialism scale and are also functioning democracies.

Given that you are equating an economic system that is compatible with democracy, and thus, debatable, with a political system which is not, and thus, not debatable, I am going to go ahead and assume you are a nazi.

End. of. Discussion.

I hate taking these people. I guarantee you they are bad. That is why they are in prison right now. They are not going to be wonderful people who go on to work for the local milk people.

He’s just a piece of shit liar who never got called on it because he has always been surrounding by toadies. This simply shows that rich people should have their money taken away from them immediately and redistributed to the poor. They don’t deserve it, they aren’t smart, they are just lucky and protected by a system

Unless I am very much mistaken the President of the United Fucking States is a “billionaire” born, raised and pissed-on-by-hookers, New Yorker with a capital “NY”. There isn’t anything more “cosmopolitan” than that. Of course what he really means when he says “cosmopolitan” is “Jewish Liberal” which, coincidentally,

Santa Monica Fascist, Stephen Miller.

Every time I click through to an archived Gawker piece it hurts me just as much as I hurt on the day it was shuttered.

But that person wouldn’t be rich.