I think you meant, “since the dawn of time”, but yes, in general they get away with murder.
I think you meant, “since the dawn of time”, but yes, in general they get away with murder.
What a man of the people!
This is a good thing. It won’t pass, but now some douchebag libertarian can’t do an end-run around Booker when he runs for president.
Any American analogue, I should have said. It would need to be an American celebrity. Kanye is close.
There really isn’t a Democratic Trump analogue that we can use to compare here, but essentially you are correct.
We are just looking to see if Ivanka can go see him whenever she wants. If so, Kelly will fail, if not, he will succeed. If he succeeds, there is no limit to the amount of damage Trump can do.
The fact that this ISN’T illegal means that there is something terrible wrong with our laws.
Flake: Trump is an inhuman monster who is an existential threat.
Just look at that rat fuck bastards smarmy shit face. Fuck him and all the hicks of America that are exactly like him. That’s right, the coastal elites don’t want you, because you are stupid and bad and we are better than you.
Someone should definitely do some follow up reporting on how fast that Chinese offer to buy the Mooch’s hedge fund disappears. Also, can’t wait for the NYT reporting about how Trump didn’t actually fire the Mooch himself but made his secretary do it or something.
I am not at all sure about this hot take. The ACA actually needs some actual fixes, like right now. Those are literally impossible without some Republicans votes. Wouldn’t any process to apply those fixes necessarily be bipartisan in nature? Besides, you have to have some rejoinder to the Hyper Turtle over there…
Just remember that all three of these idiots spent the last 8 years saying (lying) that Obamacare was the worst thing since the plague. When push came to shove, they did the right thing, only because they’ve been doing the wrong thing for the better part of a decade.
She has as much right as anyone to cash in on this clusterfuck.
Trump wants to fire Mueller, and he will fire Mueller if he feels that the political price he will pay would be less than the prospect of him or his son going to jail. Every day the media spend talking about something else, the less it will cost him, politically, to fire Mueller.
That would be pretty stupid since it’s the reason Trump won the election.
Trump’s #1 priority is to fire Mueller, and he is within his rights to do so. The only price to paid would be political, and it would only be paid if his base ceased to support him and congressional Republicans therefore decided it was in their professional interest to impeach him. You may be able to pay attention to…
Somebody seriously needs to fuck up Mitch McConnell’s shit.