You actually believe that Trump’s base understands any basic facts or that they won’t believe anything, at all, he tells them to believe? Why would you believe that?
You actually believe that Trump’s base understands any basic facts or that they won’t believe anything, at all, he tells them to believe? Why would you believe that?
You are absolutely correct that it is less likely to work, but my point is that it’s the same technique, it worked before, so they are trying it again as it is their only play.
There is no more “Russia Revelation”, Don Jr. got caught red handed, colluding with Russians, and it’s fallen by the wayside, never to return. Politically, any damage to be done has been done, and any spin has been accepted. Mueller may charge, or not, or he may get fired, but there is never going to be more proof…
Not if he can blame it on Democrats, which he will, effectively.
How can you say that immediately on the heels of the Trans Ban? It was purely political and totally effective.
Drama leads. That’s it. It’s not complicated, it just takes a complete lack of shame to capitalize on. As bad as Spicey was, he was clearly conflicted and probably ashamed about his role. Mooch doesn’t give a fuck, clearly, which makes him a far more effective spin-agent for an uncontrollable president.
Impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. Mueller may charge Trump, directly, but probably not. It is just as likely that he charges a scapegoat, or that he charges no one, or that he gets fired. In all of those scenarios the only thing that matters is the personal political calculations of congressional…
Unfortunately we can’t measure the specific overall effect sexism has on our culture, but suffice to say that it is undeniably considerable.
A little discussed feature of Watergate is that, if not for a POLITICAL decision made by congressional Republicans Nixon would have completely gotten away with it. It wasn’t inevitable by a long shot. Trump’s base has proven to be entirely unfazed by Russian revelations, so the political calculus, this time around is…
Yes he will, and as dumb as Trump is, he absolutely understands that drama draws attention towards itself. I obviously agree that there is no long-term strategy behind anything he does, but there is no denying that he knows how to control near-term media attention.
It’s crazy. Everyone is Crazy.
Or, “If You Want to be President, Don’t Have a Vagina”.
Steve Wynn did that on the orders of President Trump. Zinke is attempting the same move, with a different set of threats, also on the orders of President Trump. Crashing the Alaskan economy would probably hurt her re-election chances. It might not work as well, but there’s no reason not to try.
Trump has one goal right now: to fire Robert Mueller. If Mooch can provide political cover for that, by pushing Russian collusion stories below the fold, then mission accomplished. Because Trump CAN fire Robert Mueller and if his base sticks with him through that, Republicans in congress WILL let him get away with it.
Wrong. It should clearly be called “Shit Happens”.
Political scandals happen in the moment or they don’t happen. Now, Mueller may bring charges, or he may not, but Don Jr.’s admission of criminal guilt will never again be a political scandal, whether you can remember it or not.
“Like Hitler, Goebbels practiced his public speaking skills in front of a mirror. His entrance (almost always late) was timed for maximum emotional impact. He usually meticulously planned his speeches ahead of time, using pre-planned and choreographed inflection and gestures, but he was also able to improvise and…
Mooch is the director of communications. He’s definitively smarter and more savvy and more dangerous than Trump.