
“Changing the narrative” is how authoritarian rulers control their populace’s, especially in countries with a sheen of democracy. Don Jr.’s bold-faced admission of guilt has now been added to the pile of unbelievable things that the country now accepts.

Hey, the “nice face you got there, be a shame if something happened to it” strategy worked just fine against Dean Heller, why wouldn’t it work against Murkowski? Also, let’s get real, she and Collins only voted against MTP because they were given permission to do so by McConnell in the first place. If their votes had

I have a strong suspicion that all this Moochiness is working just as intended. For all the “paying too much attention to Russia” shaming the left does to itself, ad nauseum, people can really only really pay attention to a couple of things at a time. Mooch saying crazy shit about palace intrigue has, in-fact, pushed

The Mooch is a perfect choice to be the face of our new and improved Mafia Government. Way to turn the Italian-American stereotypes up to 11, Mooch.

That’s it - I’m going back to calling Caitlyn Jenner “Bruce Jenner with fake tits”. She can have her human dignity back when she grows a fucking brain.

Draft-dodging, pro-war coward tells patriotic volunteers to go fuck themselves. Just when you thought America had already shit the bed 50 times . . .

So is this the part where he’s more presidential than George Washington, FDR, and Ronald Reagan, combined?

Just to be absolutely clear, Donald Trump thinks he’s more presidential than George Washington. That’s for the normal’s. But he is also saying he’s more presidential than Ronald Reagan, which on Earth 1, would have been a capital offense to the majority of his retards. Unfortunately, we’ve been exiled to to Earth 2

John McCain can maverlick my dick.

Now I’m rooting for cancer. MAGA, indeed.

Then they can suck on a fat dick and gargle piss.

. . . says America’s retards.

Let’s get real here: one’s health is not related to some grand karmic wheel where bad inputs lead to worse health, and I am sure his grand-kids love their crotchety old grandpa, and we are all just a swirling mix of bad and good lumped together, but he deserves what’s happening to him.

If not for the Comey letter Hillary would have won the election. Is that an excuse or a basic fact?

I am pretty sure I am supposed to feel sorry for someone who is so obviously retarded.

I’ve got a rational problem with billionaires - they have to much money.

This is all lies anyway. Obamacare is not failing. It is being intentionally sabotaged by Republicans, specifically in rural Republican states and districts. Any significant trouble the ACA has is due, directly, to Little Marco and the refusal of Medicaid expansion by cold-hearted thugs (i.e., Republicans). It’s all

I guarantee that a certain number of Obama/Trump “centrists” watch Morning Joe.