
That’s more like an argument that America is already too far gone, and I would accept that argument.

America will cease to exist if a single one of these criminals walks free.

Lots? Not sure. Some, sure.

Sniff. Gawker . . . .

No, this is a marriage of convenience, not a coalition. And only until Trump is gone. We won’t ever agree on anything with these scumbags, except, possibly, the existential danger we are currently in.

That or some good old-fashioned collaborator purges.

George Soros is pretty liberal - also rapaciously greedy - but still pretty liberal.

Those mass-murderers were sterling by comparison, and I am not even being sarcastic.

The most dangerous game . . .

If that motherfucker capitalizes “Witch Hunt” one more time like it’s a motherfucking brand or something I’m gonna lose it.

Middle American hicks don’t listen to reason, logic, facts, or Rachel Maddow, and they never will. We need to convince them to turn on Trump, not using any of those things. Literally, our only weapon, is Joe and Mike types that the not-outright Klan members among them might, MIGHT, listen to. We need to use them, not

Listen, if Newt Fucking Gingrich himself turns on Trump, we ought to welcome it. For the time being.

He’s definitely not a reliable ally, I completely agree. I am all for stabbing him in the back as soon as it is strategically the right thing to do.

And we need someone who speaks to swing-voters, who they trust, regardless of their integrity or lack thereof, to convince them to break from Trump.

And probably re-register as a Republican as soon as President Closeted Gay Man ascends to the Iron Throne.

As much as the rational human in me agrees with you, the cynical bastard in me who wants to convince a bunch of toothless hicks to impeach their god king thinks that we might need to celebrate these jerks.

Good thing we also don’t live in THAT country!

If you want support from middle-America for impeachment, which is a base-line requirement for it occurring, ever, you actually want more of those, which might convince the retards that they have a reason to break from Trump.

As soon as Trump is gone, and we are stuck with President Gay Conversion, we can go back to purity tests, but this is a national emergency that requires laying down with some dogs.

For sure, but Joe Manchin isn’t really that much better and he’s allowed in. And in the meantime, Trump needs to go down, which will require allies, who are not progressives.