
What Republicans want and stand for is definitively bad. Some Democrats may be jerks, but all Republicans want poor people to starve and regular people to go bankrupt from medical bills and don’t care if innocent Syrian babies drown trying to escape war and the list of evil things they like could go on for a long time

They are all a bunch of selfish bastards - and I am quite sure we will continue to not agree on the majority of issues, but Trump needs to go down hard, and without Joe-types (and worse) it’s never going to happen.

I agree, but almost every single Republican is exactly as shitty as these two fuckers, and if we adopt the Fuck Them All stance, they will just continue to support Trump out of spite. We either forgive and accept (if not forget) or we don’t grow our ranks. It’s as simple as that.


That because there is no dumber group of assholes on earth than the modern Republican party and it’s voters.

You have to think that there are at least some halfway gettable assholes out there who will follow his lead . . .

Yes, his band will never be welcomed into the big tent.

Joe is a douche. Mika is a douche-enabler. Still, we have to welcome defections when they come since nothing is going to happen to Trump until Republicans start defecting.

Liberals are too nice and concerned with being ethical and protecting the 1st amendment. We always bring a knife to a gun fight, always.

In a just country Fox News would be burned to the ground, without trial. Since we do not live in that country, they should continue to be just fine no matter how low they sink.

That scenario literally sets my heart a-flutter.

Short of blackmail, he has no reason to kowtow to a draft dodger like Trump.

On McCain?

For a legitimate war-hero, torture-victim, he sure does seem like a fucking wimp when the cards are down.

It’s more like he is reliably self-interested and willing to buck the GOP (a tiny bit) if he sees it helping his career. Which, again, makes his pathetic capitulation to Trump strange.


He’s clearly past the point of no-return, but still it’s a mystery - what could he possibly be getting out of this? Tax-cuts just don’t seem like enough to me, but hey, I’m not a GOP fuckstick.

He’s gonna look so great in an orange jumper!

I think it’s clear to politicians, who know how this all works, that the BCRA isn’t passing, which means there’s no money for tax cuts, which means it’s time to cut bait.