You are correct.
You are correct.
Any woman who voted for President Pussy Grabber is a dumb fucking idiot who is not gettable in any sense of the electoral term so fuck them.
Yes, they have, but they didn’t vote for an admitted sexual-assaulter (and all around piece of shit) over the first female candidate for president.
You are going to 12th-dimensional-chess yourself right into a gulag.
Once again, 53% of white women stabbed themselves along with all other women - actually scratch that - all other human beings on earth - in the back. Traitors.
Honestly, I had just assumed that Hitler’s twitter post was a fairly anodyne version of America the Beautiful or the Nation Anthem or something, so I didn’t click on the video. I had no idea it was this bonkers, which, obviously, I should have.
Donald Trump is the president America deserves because America is a fucked-up mess populated by a bunch of racist idiots which is temporarily the world capitol of corporate greed until they get sick of this shit and relocate to some other, less-embarrassing, country.
Well then, I guess you can sit this one out.
Training, organization, and tactics are more important than the guns themselves.
Then we’ve already lost, the era of political violence in American Democracy has begun, and history shows us that once it starts in only moves in one direction: escalation.
You’re welcome.
Regardless of the original intent of the 2nd amendment, here we are, and this is the reality that has been created around us. Coulda, woulda, shoulda is always too late.
None of those people had the potential to destroy America, Trump does, and is headed squarely in that direction.
The left did nothing. The right is entirely amoral and just plain wrong, always. But I bet Jeffrey Lord is going to be on CNN saying something about how this isn’t so bad this afternoon and the left said something mean about Barron or something.
I’m trying to be fair and balanced here . . .
True, but we all know, don’t we, without a shred of doubt that Trump would authorize a genocide, given the correct context, at the drop of a hat.
That’s a start, but we need well-trained and organized militia’s if they are to have any deterrent effect.
Trump is a scumbag. Period. He might be the worst person who ever lived. That this will inevitably be turned into some left/right tit-for-tat is the clearest demonstration of the fact that his country is not worth saving.
Bottom line: The NRA is making this ad because this is how the Republican base sees our country, at this moment in time, and it accurately reflects their feelings about everyone else in the country. These people are heavily armed and itching for a fight, talking nice and listening to their concerns will not defuse the…