Best case scenario: America continues as a geopolitical entity. Worst case scenario (for us): it doesn’t.
Best case scenario: America continues as a geopolitical entity. Worst case scenario (for us): it doesn’t.
Let’s get real here: we are not going to survive this.
Two thoughts: one, we actually have something in common, because I don’t want a retarded asshole in charge of my country. Two, do these cheering dumbfucks not realize that they are poor, and that they are cheering for their own debasement? Obviously they do not. Since they cannot see the obvious truth in front of…
Important point: Republicans are bad people who like Donald Trump.
If everything turns out great and America becomes a peace-loving, socialist paradise, because of increased voter participation triggered by the election of The Worst Human Being in America, then, and only then, can you, Jill Stein, remain on your high-horse. If, on the other hand, we either turn into a full on fascist…
I would say, “Erick, if you can manage to round up your merry band of retards and ship them off to Texas where you can all starve to death pretending not to be gay, have at it!”
Republicans are domestic enemies. Wait, I am trying to tone things down: Republican Politicians are domestic enemies. Is that better?
The NRA spends large amounts of money each election cycle to elect Republicans and motivates probably close to 100% of their members to vote Republican. If you don’t think that made a significant difference in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in 2016 I don’t know that some data set will convince you - but here are…
It builds in one of two reason for working-class people to vote Repulican every time, wether it is on the ballot specifically or not. The other is abortion, which is non-negotiable.
Democrats won’t lose any voters if they stop identifying as the party of gun-control, since those voters don’t have anywhere else to go. Even if the underlying policies poll well, a certain segment of Reagan (and now Trump) democrats vote against any wiff of infringement on the 2nd amendment.
All Democrats need to do to win all national elections from now on is simply drop any mention of gun control. It may sound flip, but it’s a potent organizing force for midwestern and western voters and an issue, around which, victory, in America, will forever be impossible.
If anything calls for a riot, it’s this.
Certain still-Trump-supporting relations of mine occasionally attempt to discuss the news of the day, my response is always the same, “if you want to have any kind of civil relationship with me, we will not be discussing anything even tangential to Trump.” There’s no convincing these dummies, avoid at all costs.
Only an uneducated retard would think that based on the facts.
Then you are either a) a dumb fuck or b) a paid Russian troll.
Ignorance is no excuse. It wouldn’t get a regular American out of a traffic ticket.
Deep thoughts by Walter.
All these traitors need to get frog-marched out of Washington in chains.