
She didn’t get fired from Twitter.

The whole country seems to be waiting for some other shoe to drop, but the problem is, it already dropped!

They are a just a bunch of traitors, question is, are they going to get away with it? The answer still seems like: possibly.

I am sure Tomi Lahren will have some interesting and intelligent things to say about it.

I wouldn’t complain if said dick shooting would only lead to him no longer having the ability to fuck America in the ass. So far, his shriveled old dick appears to continue to function.

He seemed extra crazy.

The beginning, middle, and end: Donald Trump attempted to Obstruct Justice. Full Stop. No more investigation is needed. Of course, an addendum is needed - the GOP will not do anything about it, under any circumstances.


Now playing

Hey Liberals, don’t worry, just keep relying on state institutions to protect you from political violence. It’s not like you are going to be designated sub-humans or anything simply for your political beliefs. That could NEVER happen in America!

The feeling’s mutual Nosferatu!

So the Dems should nominate a solid, middle of the road Senator? That doesn’t seem like such a good idea either. 

That’s the whole point though, when/if the shooting starts, all those institutions go right out the window. Trump is in busily in the process of attempting to utterly destroy those institutions, right now, and his followers are chomping at the bit to follow suit. He has a pretty good chance of succeeding, not certain,

If you announce your intention to defend yourself and those you love with deadly force, it at least gives the other guy something to think about. If you announce your intention to not defend yourself, under any circumstances, then sheriff fucknuts up there thinks, rightly so, that he can get away with anything.

Saddam wanted deeply to be back in the US’s good graces.

I think Democrats should jettison gun-control as an issue. Gun’s are MORE American than apple pie and I guarantee our position on gun control is one reason we lost a bunch of gettable votes in 2016.

Good to know. I just keep thinking of the first Iraq War when Saddam asked Bush 1 if it was OK to invade Kuwait and Bush was all, “meh, do what you want”. If he had just said, “if you invade Kuwait we are going to invade Iraq”, Saddam wouldn’t have done it.

This isn’t gun ownership for self protection, it’s gun ownership for the country’s defence.

As it currently stands, these right-wingers believe, with plenty of evidence, that if push comes to shove, they can just roll over all of liberal America. They should, at the very least, be made to understand that it will not be that simple. M.A.D. works, unfortunately, but it works. 

No. I am advocating for arming up so that these nut jobs think twice before stepping over the line.