
It would be a smart move on their part, but I haven’t seen it yet. My guess is they know that even if they got liberals to arm-up, ultimately those same liberals would be happy to give up their guns for more stringent gun-control. We just aren’t the natural allies they need, long-term.

You are right, of course, in an actual open war, those things matter as much or more, in the big picture. But guns and training are, at the very least, also important. But, just like Donald Trump, not endorsing Article 5, sends a very large message, that other countries will begin to plan and act around, I believe a

#1: I wonder how he feels about selling $110 billion dollars worth of advanced American weaponry to the #1 supporter/creator of “Radicalized Islam” - Saudi Arabia? My guess is he’s doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Fuck “deplorable”, they are bunch of worthless scumbags - enemies of America and the values that made it worth defending in the first place. When they win, the world loses. 

Hot take: Kathy Griffin was right.

FBI, note the disclaimer. 

God I hope you’re right, I am just so damn cynical at this point . . .

I am not advocating for anything, just asking a question.

Good take.

only a retard would draw that conclusion from what I just said - and just guessing here, of course, after wading through your other comments - you are most likely a retarded nazi - c’mon you know you want to blame the jews - just do it asshole

I don’t know, MS-13?

And we are going with the path that doesn’t disrupt our WiFi.

The Reichstag Fire hasn’t happened yet.

American won’t survive the forcible removal of the American president. I am not saying it’s a good idea, just that, at some point, it’s not Trump’s fault that this is all happening, it’s ours.

I gave up after the anti-Iraq war protests February 15th, 2003: a million people in the streets of NYC. March 20th, the Iraq War started and those protests were utterly meaningless just like these will be. 

I can respect the logical consistency.

Why would that scare them? They welcome impotent liberal rage.

I think its more consistent to just say, “history teaches us nothing if the contextual surrounding events are not exactly identical.”

Certainly not. Yet.