Don’t kid yourself, nothing will help, the game is up.
Don’t kid yourself, nothing will help, the game is up.
President Great Filter 2020!
Yeah, a big protest march with lots of pithy signs is really gonna get the job done . . . . not.
He assumed the Chancellor-ship via a democratic process and then instituted a dictatorship via the Reichstag fire, but touche, Weimar Germany didn’t have the exact same political institutions that we have today so no general comparison’s are allowed. Ever!
Trump does not equal Obama.
Yeah, I guess Kinja has some editorial control.
Guaranteed, that is precisely the argument used by German’s of good-will in the 1930's. Just saying.
Credit and the internet, boom! Fascism works!
And the rest of us should just shut up and go along for the ride.
Just to go full Godwin’s - that means that the German people were not at fault for not forcibly removing Hitler.
Thanks Walter. You should really be out of the grey’s by now.
Right, it’s always someone else’s problem!
How long should a people allow a confirmed enemy of all humanity to remain in control of their country? Isn’t it a dereliction of our duty not to storm the gates, damn the consequences?
“More”? Who is the arbiter of this measurement (much of the White south still feels, largely, like they were the innocents, and the north was an imperial aggresor)? Who is innocent (those Portland heroes seemed pretty innocent to me)? When does the measurement start and when does it stop (did innocent people die in…
Look, I understand I am using the most pessimistic track to inform my position - but you have to admit that you are also making a bunch of optimistic assumptions which are not that different from “how could Hillary possibly lose to Donald?”
Which is why I believe that training with a firearm is as important as owning one. Education, in other words, something liberals are better at than conservatives.
By not escalating you are ceding the field to your opponents. We all know what Trump voters love more than anything else: Liberal Tears. Separate and distinct sets of facts used to construct separate and opposing world-views lead to civil war, there is far more historical evidence for that idea than for the idea that…
I personally believe that there is no clear line from here to Trump being “removed”. Even if that does occur, still a pretty big if, Trumpism, for lack of a better term, is here to stay. That is, stupid, violent people, perhaps 30% of 300 million people, believe that they have a right and duty to remain stupid and…
If so, we’ve failed miserably and are entirely fooling ourselves that it is even achievable. Why continue to pretend otherwise and allow all our other priorities to be held hostage by our opponents willingness to deploy political violence to ahcieve their ends?
Yes, we have a world-wide Pax Americana (which is in the process of quickly decaying). Our civilization is more interdependant than ever before (which is precisely what those predicting peace, said before WW1 broke out). We also are one week away, at any given moment, from complete and total anarchy. Knock out the…