
Donald Trump’s new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, spent the primary season as a cable news pundit attacking Trump for his “unpresidential” and “vulgar” language, for having “built a lot of his business on the backs of the little guy,” and for not releasing his tax returns. Conway’s previous lines of criticism

You can joke all you want about Kim’s appearance, but even on his worse day, he looks 100 times better than our version.

Personally I am hoping it ends up a little like this.

I can’t wait till there is an armed insurrection in Colorado. It’s going to be great (watching the Republic disintegrate).

That motherfucking pee tape better be real, and we better get a copy of it tout suite! I’m not tired of the winning, I’m tired of the waiting.

Cat owners/lovers will just be sent to re-education camps.

OK, Kellyanne, let’s make this perfectly clear - you are a vile, monstrous, scum-sucking sub-human. It’s not possible to be sexist towards you, because you aren’t even a human being, let alone a human woman. You are, however, also pretty fucking good at your job, i.e., constantly lying, spinning bullshit like a

He really is a dumb piece of shit who sucks at everything.

People who don’t own/love dogs should be put to death, immediately.

Ugh, just look at his rotten disgusting face. I think it may be time to pass the Logan’s Run law, even if it means killing a few decent people. Old people are proving surprisingly dangerous.

You see, it’s a series of tubes . . . is now our president.

I think we can just send the the entire IC home for good now that our Russian overlords have installed the necessary listening devices in the Oval Office. Dosvedanya!

Yay, it’s time to play “Who wants to go to jail for Donald Trump?”

Going on vacation with just your spouse, period, is next to impossible.

Now playing

If we don’t call a general strike or hold an armed march down Pennsylvania avenue or something they are getting away with it.

If you’re rich, you leave your kids with the nanny and go off and do fabulous things the rest of us spend a lifetime wishing we could do, that’s just what they do. Just don’t come around here acting like “you can have it all!” and that you actually take care of your kids. You don’t. You pay someone else to do it for

Fuck that shit.

The most offensive thing about that video is this jackass and his attempt to dress like a normal. Wear a fucking suit if all you care about is corporations and rich assholes getting a tax cut. Seriously! Have some fucking decency!

Listen up pampered rich fuckers: if you have a nanny, you are not raising your kids and working. Period. Don’t pretend to be like the rest of us normals, because you are not. Not normal! Fuck off.