
Conway’s solution to the opioid crisis: give out lots of free super strong heroin so all these takers just off themselves. Problem solved!

The great thing about America is that we completely trash anything good we ever do by immediately turning around and acting like total reprobates. Actually, that’s not good.

53% of white women are dumb self-hating bitches. The 63% of white men that voted for Trump are also dumb bitches but it was a pretty good bet on their parts, that these retards in congress weren’t going to label erectile dysfunction a pre-existing condition. In general the 58% of white people, in total, who voted for

You say tomato . . .

Now playing

Permament soundtrack until this is all over with one way or another.

You are a fast typist.

When AI comes to fruition, it will take one look at us and make one of two possible decisions: leave or kill us all swiftly.

I am pretty sure we’re all screwed.

The only question remaining is “what is the value of maintaining a community with people who hate their community so much?”

Just when you didn’t think humanity could sink any lower, along comes AHCA!

I agree with everything you’ve said, I just happen to believe that the transition from Pax Americana to post Pax Americana will be violent. America as we currently know it will be mostly destroyed, along with millions of Americans, at the very least. And as a bonus, whatever comes after it, won’t be any more ethical

That is precisely the opposite of what Nate Silver said and pretending like Comey didn’t have an effect is the opposite of clear-eyed assessment of the 2016 election results.

So let’s all just give up and let the fascists take over. You know they’re gonna kill you either way, right?

I know, care, and mostly just feel guilty, but still do it.

Rape is a pre-existing condition. Rape. is. a. pre-existing. condition. I’d love to read a story about that weasely cunt Chaffetz having to look his daughter in the eye and tell her she doesn’t deserve healthcare because she got raped. These animals are sub-human and yes I am using that terminology on purpose.

Totally agree. Not only that, politically, guns are a losing proposition for progressives. Gun culture is baked deep into America, no one is prying it loose at this point and choosing it as the hill we die on simply means alienating some slice of the electorate who are basically liberal but love their guns.

That’s fine as long as you accept the reduced flow of goods (and accompanying lifestyle) that comes from Pax America. Sounds pat, but that’s the trade off. Most people say they wouldn’t mind, and maybe they wouldn’t, but I doubt they really understand what it means.

Yes, we have always had a 50/50 split but a tendency to clump together around national security issues (temporarily) when attacked by a hostile outsider. That’s what’s gone now.

That’s just giving up because you are afraid of guns. We have the money and the smarts, we just need the will.

If you decide to leave, you would need to do so before it is obviously time to do so. A better idea would be to get a bunch of your liberal friends together and start a left-wing militia complete with assault weapons and small arms tactics trainings so you could at least have a fighting chance when the shit hits the