
I am talking about mass civil disobediance, general strikes, that sort of thing.

It was around two years - but even he was less crazy than this.

I didn’t order the launch of those missiles, none of us did, and, guaranteed, we can all remember that the correct number of missiles is “59". There is no legitimate excuse for not knowing that basic (widely reported on cable TV ad naseum for days) fact other than being too dumb to function or senile. Both should be

Be still my beating heart!

A scandal would be so delicious, for sure - but resigning before it comes out seems like an odd sequence of events.

You forgot the most obvious answer: it’s time to make gazillions of dollars as a lobbyist as opposed to getting yelled at for not investigating Trump for the next few years for a measly 174K. Per year!

A) It looks like the Nuge is cucking Todd Palin.

Since the majority of peni are probably small by our modern porned-out standards, I’d agree that many good men probably have small ones. That being said, the shame that someone like Trump must feel when his body doesn’t live up to his unrealistic standards is probably a good way to explain some of his

So that’s what 85,000 jobs, in a country of 300 million people? Not one of which will be filled by a coal miner? The only people who are even eligibile for those jobs are, by definition, coastal elites.

Probably the worst people in the world to have nuclear weapons.

Ok, he’s also a rich kid.

Just remember that he has a small penis and all will be well

Crooked Hillary and her emails! Phew, glad we dodged that bullet!

Wait a second, didn’t I just read a bunch of headlines about her big, new, beautiful west wing office where she was going to be an employee of the US government? I guess I was just imagining all that because I am crazy now. That makes sense.

On the brighter side maybe this will kill off all those dumb hicks that voted for Trump in the first place!

Cretin is just a less-used version of retard.

What with “accidental holocaust denier Spicer” and these repeated displays of astounding dunderheadedness we really need the word “retard” back. I understand that it’s not going to happen for a bunch of good, sensitive, reasons, but “stupid”, “idiot”, “dummy” just don’t cut it! I am willing to consider alterantives,

Can we just get this thing (i.e., humanity) over with already?

Apparently that bunch of hypocritical assholes doesn’t care at all.

The Senate should be disbanded. Their most import power, the power to declare war, has been ceded, completely, to the executive. Why pretend, anymore, that this is anything other than a monarchy? Long live King Ratings Machine.