
Let me just sat that all this Nuclear talk in my headlines and notifications is making me very nervous.

I used to think that Trump was the embodiment of all that is wrong with America, then I though it was Bannon, then I thought it was Kushner. Turns out I was wrong, you actually need all three, working together (with a dash of Ivanka), to adequately portray what a shit-stain this fucking hell-hole is.

Good, one less Trumpkin. Time to play for keeps.

I’ve got a comment for you Rexy: fuck off and go away.

Not sure she has had any positive effect considering she is a corrupt demon just like the rest of them.

So where I disagree with my father, he knows it.

My comment doesn’t mean that the real bernie-bros aren’t insufferable pricks - just that they are indistinguishable from Russian hackers intent on destroying America.

Fuck these worthless fucks. The GOP deserves to end and until they self-immolate this country will be a bad place. 

Tell me about it, I have some insufferable twats (“friends”) on my FB as well, whenever they start up on Hillary my thumb hovers, desperately, over the unfriend button, but I always end up saying, to myself, “no, you’re just perpetuating your elite-est bubble, sigh.”

I know there are some real one’s for sure - but the Russian goal was to divide the Democrats - i.e., mission accomplished. 

Many of the online Bernie-bros were Russian hackers.

You know that it’s come out that many of the online Bernie-bros were Russian hackers right?

I wonder how Princess Ivanka feels about this?

There was plenty of Obama grousing.

Yes to all of that, but on Russian collusion, he has been pretty clear that he doesn’t think it’s OK.

There was alot of Obama grousing - but they generally seem pleased to get thrown under the bus by these jerks, so long as they can bomb whomever they want whenever they please.

How can the military continue to put up with this bunch of New York wimps ordering them around? It is so confusing.