
He was pissed that Saddam had attempted to assassinate his Dad.

While I agree with the sentiment lets not forget that Bush killed roughly 200,000 Iraqi’s, many of them women and children, with a trailblazing mix of malevolence and incompetence over a personal grudge he had against Saddam Hussein. 

But we are all just a bunch of weakling commenters. We don’t actually DO anything, we just whine constantly. That’s what makes us Americans.

I just realized why all these assholes are so anti-abortion: somehow they inately recognize that they are so stupid that, in a just world, they would have been aborted.


Normal Republicans yes, these freedom cocks, I am not so sure. They seem awfully hung up on things like the debt ceiling, in a way that normal R’s just blow right by. Like, a normal Republican wouldn’t give a shit what was in the AHCA as long as they were sticking it to Obama - but these guys actually cared, and

You are just full of accurate information. What gives?

60 million people died in World War 2. The civil war killed about 2 percent of the US population at the time, 6 million by today’s standards. And the only reason that Europe recovered enough to have functional progressive-ish governments is that the Marshall Plan poured billions of dollars into the rebuilding in the

But it won’t be “reform”, just a cut, right? And the Freedom Caucus isn’t likely to accept a giant new deficit even if it’s there because of those sweet, sweet tax cuts.

They’re both shite, but (not like they deserve it or anything) to be fair, on the charge of straight up treason - they need to be set aside from the rest of the GOP. They’ve both called for an independent investigation.

They’ve both called for an independent investigation which is why I felt the need to asterisk both of their bony-old-fuck-face asses.


I agree that dude sells out for little or nothing - it’s just, with the traitor line, you have to give him an asterisk for not being in the 100% “nothing to see here, move along” crowd that is the current GOP.

I think you meant “white people” right?

The entire Republican party minus John McCain and Lindsey fucking Graham are traitors and should be in jail. Period.

That’s so cute, didn’t you anus’ get the memo - ya’ll are the commies now - grand leaders making art of the deal with the Ruskie’s now - get with the program!

Stood up for truth, justice, and the American way (i.e., an offense punishable by death). (Just googled her corruption allegations, BTW, they are so quaint compared to President Homunculus’ entire career).

Uh, actually American Patriots (along with 3 million communists, so . . .) smashed fascism last time around and will this time as well. Nazi Punks Fuck Off!

People are saying . . .