
Somebody needs to crush that old fuck.

That is a fact of which I was unaware - thanks!

This is why . . .

While true, McConnell knows, by now, that Trump is a peril to their senate and house majorities. At this point he has to decide if he is OK with Democrats passing medicare for all with a 51 vote majority sometime in the next 4 to 8 years. My guess is he will not roll the dice over some deficit busting tax cut.

I don’t believe it can pass with reconciliation, meaning 60 votes.

It’s entirely a product of the phrase “a pox on both your houses” - who woulda thunk old Bill Shakespeare could have fucked up modern American political discourse so badly. Without that phrase it is entirely possible that pundits might actually analyze policy on the merits. 

Correction: this is all you need to know about Paul Ryan’s _______.

Republicans are objectively worse than Democrats. Claiming that their is equivalency in their beliefs and actions is actual idiocy. “Pox on both their houses” analysis is as much at fault for President Pussy Grabber as anything else. It creates a space where nothing matters - do you believe that nothing matters?

Blood-letting doesn’t lead to a “level playing field” it destroys the field and all the people playing on it.

Don’t critique dummies, tell them we are all on the same side and magically, POOF, just like that, they agree to fund universal healthcare through progressive taxation and suddenly stop blaming Muslims and Mexicans for all their problems.

Says a person defending Donald Trump.


They will never be educated out of their belief structure, and many of the things they fundamentally believe are at the very least wrong, and in many cases, actually evil. Given, then, that there is no chance of changing their minds, your solution is to let them win.

Democrats, Universal Healthcare and world peace and are somewhat interested in facts. Republicans, no healthcare and world war and have to lie about everything they want to get anyone to agree with them. One is good, the other bad.

So Trump = Good?

The majority of Democrats want Universal Healthcare and world peace, the majority of Republicans want the opposite - one of those things is good and the other is bad. Semantics don’t change that.

Automation isn’t evil. Not wanting to help people retrain or to help them in any way, is evil, and that is Republican policy.

The “smart” people (I am forced to know) who still support Trump are just being stubborn assholes who don’t like to admit that they were wrong.

Breaking: A bunch of stupid hicks are stupid!