
I’d agree if not for the fact that one wrong move - including inattention - could put us in all-out war with North Korea, which leads almost inevitably to war with China. I don’t think the Korean peninsula can survive 4 years of us just not paying attention at all, but who really knows?

Fuck all these weak-ass fucking fuckers. If you can’t do the job, STAY THE FUCK OUT!!!!!

Also his hair looks fucking stupid.

Just to make this completely clear, Paul Ryan is a stupid Irish mick who should go back to his own country.

This is great, maybe now Republicans will actually learn why the rest of us would never vote for any of these monsters. Probably not, but explaining it to them with logic doesn’t seem to be working out to well.

That’s great and all but American’s are to fat, lazy, and stupid for pitchforks. We far perfer just sitting around and complaining.

Midwestern soccer moms currently think guns make them more safe. They provide political cover for deregulation. De-link their feelings of safety from guns and that political cover goes away.

Because of the Black Panthers the NRA supported gun control legislation.

The training is the important part.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you want common sense gun restrictions? Start a bad-ass, gun-toting feminist/LGBTQ/BLM militia - complete with tricked out assault rifles and small unit tactics training. Guns will be completely banned within the year. Tisk-tisking about crazy Republican’s and their gun

Don’t these dumb-dumbs realize they are making single-payer inevitable?

On another topic: that is the hair of a crazy person.

What do you expect from a bunch of traitors - to their country.

Will they come to regret it? Yes, if they haven’t already.

Look, why even bother appointing an actual lawyer to the position? They should just stick Roger Stone in there and call it a day.

What is that Nazi pin on his lapel? Is that going to be the new American flag?

As much as Trump clearly actually uses Twitter as his official decree machine - I still think, in some way, he really doesn’t know what it is.

Well, boy-howdy! Next thing you are going to tell us that ingesting lead paint actually turns babies into invincible superhumans! Makes sense to me!