
I wasn’t specifically calling out bigotry (as the Bayonne case would more accurately be described as xenophobia any way), I was specifically calling out idiocy (which the title of the post also specifically referred to, BTW), which the attached Mencken quote was in direct reference to.

Since we are setting up straw men to judge historical figures by modern mores why not go all the way to Lincoln, right?!

This is all fine. Just wait until you yahoos are out of power and I’m sure you are going to be fine when we pull all tax exemptions for Christian churches, specifically.

You mean like saying that Obama is a secret Kenyan Muslim orangutan for 8 years that want’s to kill all white Americans? At this point anyone who isn’t saying, “bitch please, bring it the fuck on” is playing to lose.

You know what’s great about being a Republican? You can just fart in America’s face and, because America is so fucking stupid, they just lap it up, no questions asked.

So Apple is going to crush this thing, right?

Pretending like they care about our tisk-tisking is false to begin with. It represents forcing ourselves to expend energy to play the game (and it is a most dangerous game) on their terms. Absolutely, move on, they don’t care what we think in the first place - they are simply using the fact that we care as a club to

If it’s ok to make fun of Donald Trump’s hair, tiny hands, and orange hue (and it is), then I think it’s OK to make fun of the fact that Kellyane Conway’s evil ideas are clearly devouring her from the inside out.

If we have to be continually nice to people who fucking suck then we are never going to win anything and don’t deserve to. The 51% of white women who voted for these bunch of monsters simply don’t get to claim any mantle of anything, except maybe “honorary douchebag”.

It’s all very fitting for Donald Trump’s Favorite Newspaper™.

I fixed your headline for you.

I love me some HamNo but the problem with this hot take is the same foundational problem with all screeds that are basically, “Bernie would have won”. Facts don’t matter, emotions do. What trigger American emotions? Celebrity. Celebrity is our nobility and while apparently human beings can live without many things

These motherfuckers are all a bunch of traitors. 
