
I never tire of that sexy ass winner’s pose. Preen away like you’re in a Queen cover band all you want my friend. You earned that shit hard.

Jason Priestly looks short standing next to the Pillsbury Doughboy

You remember Aaron McKie ?

I have beautiful and available relatives of female and male persuasion. What I’m saying is that you are amazing and I would like to be related to you.

I hate you ALL SO much right now - I’ve been constantly laughing on this shit all day

Von Miller is a gaddamn treat and a gentleman. I wish players were this in tune with fans in my youth - but we didn’t have the MySpaces, the Friendsters and the Spin of the Deads at that time.

Saw this 5 minutes ago - still laughing

The Fucktomb is mobile and hunting for your ex-girlfriend from college.

I just started an account to follow TO - for THIS.

Drew - we Love you but it is very disconcerting to see you age so quickly before our eyes.

Aaaaand after Donald and this we’ve come soooo close to reaching the lowest bar to clear. We are slug limbo at his point.

I’ve been saying this since Election Night - This Is Why We Can’t have Nice Things!!! Like running water and legs that bend the right way.

Couldn’t even bring myself to press play on the video - the still frame was much more than enough for me.

With a name like Detorrion Ware you can either play basketball or be a Transformer.

Dammit “Ready or Not” - I already had my shirt off by the end of the first verse. That is an old favorite that I would include on my infamous “Chonies-Be-Gone” mixes I used to circulate to my friends in college.

Came to the comments looking for Bad Santa comment - was pleasantly surprised by how well it was stated.

Great call - a favorite of mine and an oddity of that era

I was in college and 3/4ths finished when I went into a depression spiral. The biggest regret of my life is that I didn’t say anything about it to anyone and silently gave up and withdrew at semesters end. It is possible to take time off to get your head right and get yourself back in the game. Please, please talk to

Word to my mutha indeed

First thing I thought about was Milhouse and his damn Alf pogs. Did anyone actually play with these damn things? I remember a slammer was involved...