Where did all this long distance firepower come from all of the damn sudden? It’s like Steph awakened some dormant power that has now spread throughout the world.
Where did all this long distance firepower come from all of the damn sudden? It’s like Steph awakened some dormant power that has now spread throughout the world.
Hit the nail on the head, Lauren. Love the use of Gloria - an 80's classic, dammit!
I’ve been a Raiders fan for 30 years and the second thing out of my mouth after,”Fuuuuuuck,” was, “7 and 9.”
I remember my first concussion in that I remember everyone afterward tell me/make fun of me that after I got up I didn’t understand what was going on and stood around lackadaisical for 2 more plays. Getting your bell truly rung is no simple shit.
This type of shit has been going on beyond memory. I saw Jordan get butchered on his drives after clearing out defenders in the 90's and the same thing happening to Kobe in the 00's.
I was going to give you a star when I misread your moniker as “Severed Butthole”.
True - you don’t just get up one morning and be all,”You know what? I just don’t feel like putting the crotchless clownsuit on today. Or cleaning the Dungeon.” I was all like, “Oooh, what he do?”
That actually elicited an audible “OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!” out of me. Scared my daughter that was sitting behind me watching TV.
Nice call - this is a mixed-tape favorite of mine
Dunno, what’s Sanu with you?
“Save all your documents on a local drive before it gets any closer.” I hate you SO much right now.
Let me see that dong...Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong !!
I hate to agree but I didn’t even realize it was Romo in there.
I know we were supposed to be paying attention to Poor Pablo’s Plight but “Kelby Tomlinson and Ryder Jones” ? I had to look those up to make sure the names weren’t part of the joke. Damn you Pre-Millennium tension for names like these, Damn You to Hell!!
I think you hit the nail on the head there - I have long been known to bring up in conversation silences. “You know what is an under-appreciated Madonna song? Fucken ‘Live to Tell’.”
Crazy For You is an under-heard (for a Madonna song) classic. It just begs for a remake/update to make it ubiquitous again.
Damn You Juan Cena!!!!!!
I am an adamant and loyal A’s fan for the past 30 years and I must say that one of the two best things about going to college in the Bay was seeing the A’s during the Moneyball Era. Wednesday’s were dollar days where you got in for a dollar and hotdogs were also a dollar (if I remember correctly). What a crappy…
Jeezus Christ- I’m getting rock hard feeding on your outrage! And I like it!
Be fucken fair- that’s most males, white or other. It’s not exclusive to whites.