
Unfortunately, his Peloton instructor couldn’t hear Nolan’s response because the background music drowned out his words.

I really liked Tenet.

Turns out, people other than you exist, and like things that you may not have heard of. There’s, like, a whole world of them. Niecy Nash was on the immensely popular Reno 911.

This. The decision to lean into the absurdity of it all was a genius move. If they had played this story straight, it would have been an entire “who gives a fuck? That was a long time ago” of a series. It gave me newfound respect for Justin Theroux.

Yeah, while I thought the characterizations in Plumbers were a bit over the top and the plot a bit too condensed - I wouldn’t have wanted to watch it knowing nothing about Watergate - this wasn’t a bad series at all.

I really liked White House Plumbers. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just about impossible to truly screw up a story about unlikable jerks unstoppably marching toward their well-deserved comeuppance, the same reason I name Saw X the best of the series and Blackberry the best of the new “product biopic” trend.

How much darker could it be? None.  None more dark.

Snyder looked at a shot of the vast, darkness of space. “Can we make it darker? I feel that would be edgier,” he directed.

Other future Snyder franchises:

I look forward to Zack Snyder’s Crusade of the Lost Temple - Part One: The Ark of Doom.

That joke where Michael made Colin go for a fist bump at the end was perhaps the most savage thing I’ve seen someone inflict on another without using an actual slur or straight up physical violence.

I thought tiny-ass bag (not on Youtube, but available as a clip on the NBC site) was surprisingly quite funny...

“I just saw half a crab kill a guy.”

Godzilla vs. Megalon was the first Godzilla movie I ever saw and I will hear no slander against it!

I agree. It was sad for her. Enormously sad. But something Enormously Sad happens to all of us. It happens to the Doctor over and over. No one gets to avoid it, and the hope/belief was that Donna would go back to her “ordinary life,” which didn’t have to be a tragedy. The rest of us live ordinary lives perfectly

It was hugely emotional at the time, but sadness and tragedy have their part in drama - otherwise the drama isn’t very dramatic. I’m glad to see her back but I never thought it needed “fixing”.

I’ve always felt like Elon Musk was a poorly-written Bond villain. A tech billionaire, raised in apartheid South Africa, family money from emerald mining (in Zambia), bullied in an all-boys school, etc... He’s the whiny little bitch who now has money and thinks that it makes him important. 

The right wing was mobilized to hate the first Captain Marvel and it made a billion dollars. Before that they mobilized against Black Panther and it made even more. Then they mobilized against Barbie and it’s STILL making money.

I literally saw someone come across my feed from haters saying that this movie should be boycotted because Kamala Khan is Palestinian(Ron Howard voice She isn’t) Which is dumb on so many levels that I can’t even comprehend it.

Fuck, in the parlance of our times, the haters. I saw it tonight, and I enjoyed the shit out of it. Kamala is an ever-spinning dynamo of fun, and the other two bounce off her with aplomb. Plus: cats, cats, cats!