
The original Captain America trilogy is easily the best and most rewatchable of all the MCU output, so this has a high bar to achieve. But it feels very promising that this appears to be going back to the “genre film stuffed into a superhero” mold that those films did so well. And Mackie is great in this role. Fingers

I recall BHC2 being the more action-y (and violent) film. Probably because they were working with a bigger budget. The original was just a fun, simple, fish out of water story that was such a hit that it gave the director the clout and leverage he needed to make “Spies Like Us”

The thing is, Rowling was perfectly likable before she randomly decided to make “trans people want to rape me in the bathroom” her entire personality.

Rowling is doing an amazing job getting into arguments with people infinitely more likable than she is.

“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”

I’m going to have to look up how to pronounce the word now, huh? I didn’t expect any homework this early in the week (and this late in my life).


The chef’s kiss of culinary vocabulary.

Or, like, with a device you can keep in your pocket that lets you do it anywhere, any time.

It’s my dream that someday in the far future will be able to do this with the ease of typing on a keyboard.

You think his anti-vax stance alone would be enough to keep a HEALTH CARE foundation from booking him. The filthy content is just lagniappe.

I feel bad for the booker.

I will say that Rise of Skywalker is the worst of the nine episodes in a walk, and is still a better-looking and more entertaining movie than its reputation suggests. But it really isn’t built for repeat viewings and it’s so self-sabotaging. It just feels like it’s written in such a panic. I really wonder what would

Original vs Prequels vs Disney. Can we all just agree that Rise of Skywalker is the fucking worst.

The end to Matt Smith’s first season was him being brought back to life because Amy Pond remembered him existing. Even ignoring the 50 year history, the recent Who has mixed fantasy all the time. 

“Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...stuff” is the exact level of science I need from the show,

Thank you. The idea that this show (which I love) has ever qualified as hard SF in any sense is just weird.

shift from pure sci-fi to fantasy”? Doctor Who has been squarely in the fantasy camp for the vast majority of it airtime.  

It’s borderline refreshing to hear a story of a major Hollywood celebrity who’s just kinda shitty to work with. Like, not quietly racist / misogynitic / homophobic / transphobic, not a secret QAnon dipshit, not flexing his status for sexual favor, not an Armie Hammer-style sex cannibal. Just a chronically late dick, us

I knew it was you, Zazu. You broke my heart.”