
The Trump administration didn’t do much thinking in general.

I think that he didn’t attend the one with Michelle Wolfe, and they used covid as a reason to not have it again for a while. The Michelle Wolfe choice still amazes me... how could ANYONE in the Trump administration think that she would be a good choice for them?!?

Beck Bennett, Alex Moffat and Kyle Mooney were all solid yet underrated cast members when they were on. And Beck Bennett should be included just for his portion of the Eddie Murphy monologue alone.

Kenan always makes me laugh.  I especially enjoy his game show host characters.

Ooh, I missed seeing Fallon included on here. I mentioned Beck Bennett earlier - yeah, I got way more laughs out of Bennett than I ever did from Fallon’s SNL days.

I promise there’s someone left off this list who was funnier than Jimmy Fallon.

Spirited Away is on the list dude.  Maybe need to put down the blunt for a minute dude :)

I’m out.”

For such commenters as them was this image given to us:

It just goes to show you time is a flat circle of snakes.

A white woman in a movie is diversity to you? You have terminal brain worms

Perfect username/comment synergy. I see you, Kendall.

You sound like fun.

“She also said at the time that Cohen encouraged her to put her finger up his butt in the film’s final scene...”

More critics should try the “if you don’t like the movie, it’s you who sucks, boomer” approach.

The moment you tried to pitch Eli Roth horror movies as anything other than utter trash is when you lost me. Fuck straight off. He’s trash, his movies are trash, and this movie is, I’m guessing, straight fucking trash. 

This is, in all sincerity, one of the absolute dumbest f**king things ihave ever read. The first few paragraphs and the comparisons contained therein are aggressively stupid, and completely irrelevant.

I have to pay for my own therapy, I have to figure out what — I mean if there was anything, if there was any truth behind them actually caring, there would be something more than quotes on a page by obviously a legal representative telling them exactly how to tailor a response.

If you’re one of the freaks who gave the $50,000 “what if Winnie the Pooh stabbed people” slasher a whopping $5 million at the box office, you legally owe the rest of us an apology.

I think Different Strokes alone cancels it out for us Gen Xers