
What a day that will be, makes me hopeful for our grandchildren...

The word “lagniappe” should be more widely used than it is

Whoops I said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud!

Dave's not here, man

Theroux was fucking amazing as Liddy - just a highly-compressed ball of paranoia. I really liked this series, and it was mainly due to his performance. Great overall cast as well. 

It’s almost like shareholders are only concerned about immediate monetary satisfaction and are unable to think about slower growth and long-term sustainability...

I stopped reading at "Star Wars: Episode IV—Return Of The Jedi". I mean, come on, really? Do you not know Roman numerals or do you not know where ROTJ falls in the saga?

Just a fucking perfect almost-half-hour of “Barry”.

Came here to shitpost that dumbass error.


I’m looking forward to “Best in Whoa”, the competitive Joey Lawrence impersonation show.

Also, Octopussy was pretty well-received both critically and comercially upon release, especially compared to Never Say Never Again. While I don’t think it’s aged as well as For Your Eyes Only, it’s still up there with the best of the Moore era.

Now I want to hear an album of him croaking out pop tunes in his husky monotone voice.

At least they got the continent right..

Was thinking just that while reading the review. Most of it took place in Rio...

Where’s Pootie Tang? Black Dynamite? Literally ANY Rudy Ray Moore film? Studio Ghibli films? Star Wars Holiday Special? Have any of you ever even been high?

Came here to say exactly this. There's not much "stealth" to a character who consistently has the best lines portrayed by an actor with impeccable timing.

I was totally disappointed in this movie, completely let down.

This site needs some copy editing STAT. So many typos, and, come on, “Luxx and Loosey FAIR better..” Really, dude?

Came here to say this, and his role in "The Wire" was nearly a decade before “Luther” to boot.