
The only movie I can think of that came out recently that is really connected to a TV show was the newest Dr Strange one and you basically get all the background you need in the movie anyhow. The new Ant Man is the third one, so it would have been good to watch the first two, but no TV viewing was required. Sure, Kang

“If you miss one or two, you’re behind, and it isn’t worth watching something new until you’ve caught up, but eventually you’re so far behind that catching up or keeping up feels like a chore.”

i mean ‘sequel’ as-is sounds better and explains what it is.


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The omission of Stewart Lee is a bigger insult

I got a Collateral notification for this?!

It’s like the fifth highest grossing movie of the entire past decade. And you’re mystified why he gets attention?

Top 25 Times Tom Cruise Joined an AV Club Discussion

Well, anecdotally, I can tell you two people definitely are. 😉

Thanks for letting me know that I’m apparently supposed to be mad at something that I’ve never even heard of until reading this article.

Everybody knows Raisinets are The Devil’s snack candy!

Is this like payola for movies?

The pedophile lizard-person conspiracy is too strong for mortal men to stop. But can an Avengers-style team-up of Hercules, Cara Dune from Star Wars, the guy Kirk Cameron plays in the Left Behind movies, and literally Jesus Christ himself finally stop the Biden Crime Family?

More like "Suck of Fart Dumb"

Q-cumbers are really fucking stupid.

Saw this in the Yahoo comments yesterday: “It’s clearly a conspiracy because the AC was working when we arrived but ‘broke’ during the movie.”

Of course AMC wouldn’t care about losing out on some money because they’re getting funded by George Soros selling cocaine to the White House (that’s right...WHITE...they put that clue right out in front of us, that’s how evil they are). Plus obviously AMC is in on it, because those with wisdom will realize that AMC