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el tono youtuber a mi me altera un poco pero aun asi los datos estan

The dispute between Steve, Tony, and Bucky is very well done.

I don’t know. Initially, it did sort of feel like Tony was going from 0-100 to get Cap in line, but by the end there? It absolutely sold why Cap and Tony would be fighting one another. “He’s my friend.” “So was I.” It’s the most emotional fight scene in the MCU’s history. I think it was worth it to get to that point,

Por el momento no significa nada en concreto, lo que significa, es que están abriendo las puertas a que las compañías te permitan o no acceder a ciertos contenidos dependiendo de lo que hayas contratado.

I know it was supposed to be a dramatic scene, but I laughed my ass off when May phased through into that pipe. It’s a brilliant way to give Ming-Na an excuse to limp around for a few episodes while she continues to rehab her knee.

Have you tasted roast pig? It tastes, so, so good. I also love potatoes, but there’s nothing inherently visually appealing about some dirt-colored lumps pulled out of the ground. It’s what the visual triggers in your memory of other senses like tastes, smell, even hear and touch. Crispy pork skin tastes and smells

-I am so excited for this season and this was a really great opener! Did a lot of important setup and worldbuilding while keeping things entertaining!


Calling them the only good twitter account is just a slap in the face to the only other good twitter account, @dogrates.

He estado siguiendo este caso desde hace tiempo y la cosa tiene mas miga de lo que parece:

Yo compro las consolas de Nintendo básicamente por los Mario que no me pueden dar las Xbox.

Los juegos de Mario junto a los de Zelda son de esos ejemplos por los que vale la pena comprar una consola aunque sea nada más para poder jugarlos sin tocar el resto del catálogo.

Aja, los restaurantes avión se inventaron en 2002 y en Colorado...

Incluso hay un artículo aquí en Gizmodo respecto a esas ciudades!:

y cuando no se desintegre en la atmósfera vera la planta refinadora de suero rejuvenecedor  de la familia real de Abrasax 

¿Uno como este?

Los niños rata siempre seguirán siendo rata.

Psssst, vaya mierda de juego, después de tantos bukkakes mi agudeza visual está entrenadísima.

Well it depends on the airport and if it's run 24/7. Generally shift changes occur at around 6-7 am and 5-6 pm. Typically around those hours.

Though you are right, sometimes there is no avoiding it especially on a international flight. But if I have to fly on an airplane, I usually end up showing at least 2 hours