
I get you. I like hearing opinions on why certain things are like and others aren’t. Here, for me, I watched the video first and not paying attention to the lyrics I liked it for the dance. But according to social media, People started comparing him to Kanye and that added up. Aaaaand, making it a conversation piece

I actually think that Tony and Pepper conversation about a kid may be MCU setting a replacement for Tony? Maybe he retire and pass the torch? Cap definitely dies as Evans said it’s done; but Thor, Hulk, Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Wakanda crew all have sequels planned (not sure about Black Widow).

I’ve must have been on a bathroom break cause I saw the postcard with the message but don’t know how it appears/came to be.

“And finally...why not just shoot the monk powering the broadcast? Wouldn’t that have been a far safer and more effective approach than getting into a test of wills with him?”

They have an option “I’m not the driver” or “I’m a passenger “ or something like that to choose when in the car, if you want to not use it in that particular ride.

I was actually looking forward to a customizable control center, just to make easier to get to some configuration settings.

Acá en Santo Domingo había uno para esa misma fecha!

No sólo son los video juegos. Mi madre suele jugar canasta online y las de cosas que le dicen cuando gana o cuando pierde es para asustar a cualquiera! le he enseñado que debe tomárselo a broma y ya ni los lee.

Was looking for the cartoon/meme when in a meeting of suits at the next to last square a guy nonchalant ask a reasonable/logic question, such as “why don’t Marvel Recast her/them?” and he’s thrown out the window.

Lo mejor de este artículo? No sabía cómo se llamaban en español. Zip ties, tie wraps hasta el sol de hoy.

Yes. For those of us that dont connect via email but Nintendo Account ID; i have one since the Wii and 3DS that have move to the Wii U and new 3DS XL

No moriré sola pero sólo dejaré de usarla cuando me muera 🤙🏻

Thank you! people are getting Worried/upset about specs (“720 only?” “SD cards? Why?” 3hrs battery life?!”) forgetting that gaming should be fun! We still play bowling and lot of silly games with the wii with my family!

Pues la embajada debería aprovechar a Pikotaro y hacer lo mismo con el, ideas para enseñar el idioma!

Let me know when you find one!

I don’t get th safety pin one.

Eso mismo veo yo, una amarillenta y borrosa forma de rayas y círculos o lo que uds. dicen es un reloj de arena.

Here in the Dominican Republic we had Friday morning very high tides, enough to throw debris into the coastal avenue and forced to closed those lanes. But this time we were fortunated enough to avoid the big impact of Matthew.

I hate you.