
I don't know where I got it, but I had a set of 4 wheel stoppers that looked like a coaster with a triangle divot across the width - and it had rubber on the bottom. The bed locked perfectly in place.

Now please tell me that if they ever do voiceovers, they're going to use neutral, Latinamerican Spanish accent instead of that I want to poke my eardrums with an icepick Spanish from Spain dubbing that everybody else seems to use..

Hey Jason,

Um, some of us work in industrial environments and/or have children. So I use an an OtterBox on my 3GS. Despite being dropped, thrown around, and manhandled, my phone is almost as pristine as the day I bought it. The case feels firm in my hand, too, whereas the phone slips when I hold it "naked".

Oh Tech Hipsters, your superiority complex is so cute!

I'll say it again - anyone who advocates not using a case on a phone that costs HOW MUCH? to replace has never handed one to a teenager.

Now playing

Last time I checked the biggest concern is the glass shattering into a million pieces not being scratched. Watch this video and it makes sense why this always happens to iphones.

It's not just Apple products, but I really don't understand why devices should be sold as fragile as they are.