
Wow, really?

Full disclosure - I had a finger partially amputated early last month, and spent about a week high on painkillers just trolling the hell out of everyone on here. Made an impassioned defense of the alt-right in the week following Charlottesville just to upset people - you might be the only regular I

You’re completely right, but you have to realize that to a lot of people, even the most toothless feminism imaginable is terrifying and conjurs up images of angry lesbians with short haircuts cutting off men’s balls while Hillary Clinton laughs and performs abortions.

Jezebel survived the Gawker kerplosion? Do they hate Kinja as much as we do over here?

(2) and (3) suggest to this reader that kids are major users of Google How To Search.

They have forgotten that the world existed before the Barack Obama presidency. I mean they even forgot that John McCain was advocating for the same healthcare program that Obama ended up passing. (Obama was originally single payer)

Now that she’s employed, maybe she can get off her parent’s health insurance before complaining about Obamacare.

I love JD. My favourite voice work that he has done is Dr. Drakken from Kim Possible. Love that guy.

He’s also on the Thrilling Adventure Hour podcast, which I will pimp at every given opportunity to force them to start it up again someday :(

Yeah! Because if you’ve been cheated, it’s easy to reach an amicable agreement with the guy who cheated you.

So... he’s like one of the people in the aftermath of a breakup where they keep hooking up for some time after that? Interesting.

It’s still good! It’s still good!

Guys... I’m beginning to suspect that The Simpsons has maybe run out of steam

Had he ended it with something like “this is how it’s supposed to be, people helping people” instead of some red pill nonsense about gender studies it would have been a nice sentiment.

You know, I’m going to have to disagree with the pharmacy raiding being a “non-necessity.” My husband’s a type 1 diabetic. I’m bipolar. If we weren’t able to grab our meds/insulin/pump supplies/needles in time (which, I hope we’d be able to) or if they got waterlogged when we were trying to get out and up to higher

I know you posted this to be like, SEEE THE NEGROS ARE STEALING!!!!!111!!!

Remember: scavenging/surviving = white people; looting = non-whites.

Agreed. But synergy - I guess. Why doesn’t it link to EW, Univision, Seeso, and every other outlet AVC is connected to?

They’re totally in my face.

I’m not sure about ghosts, but if demons aren’t real, how do you explain Ann Coulter?

The echo chamber requires precisely the gullibility you allude to in your second statement.