
I tried everything I could think of, and honestly this is it. I flagged them on here and on disqus. I blocked specific commenters who posted that I deserved to be beat with a baseball bat (purpletentacles) and I blocked the person who told me that I deserved to be strangled. I don’t need this bullshit, it doesn’t

Listen, I’m getting stalked by someone who posted death threats against me when the AV Club was still on disqus. Who do I talk to about this? I’ve emailed the AV Club and Laura Browning and both emails were not replied to.

So sorry that racists like you get all upset about my innocuous posts.

You, personally, are a sexist piece of shit who posted death threats about me saying I deserved to be strangled. You can go fuck yourself.

Oh I’m not really a regular, I’ve posted on and off for maybe two years at this point. Mostly off. That’s partly why I was surprised to learn that I’m the sole reason the AV Club comments have become fewer in number.

I don’t know my dude I’ve only read like two articles over there since the kinja switch.

It does on the AV Club!

Please go ahead and read my other replies because I’m honestly tired of the argument ‘well it’s ok to insult all women because Jezebel is uhhh bad feminism.’

Incognito doesn’t hide google search queries from google, only from people who share your computer and don’t have a separate account.

You are truly the sunshine of my life, Rei.

Well I’m sure none of the comments here are sexist since, you know, people at the AV Club are totally down with women’s lib.

In Kid Rock’s mind, this whole thing must seem terribly unfair. I mean, Donald Trump got to do it!

That’s hilarious. You must be very proud.

Literally every post the AVC does right now has a comment at or near the top about how much kinja sucks. I agree with that and I’m already tired of hearing about it.

I actually haven’t seen any of the posts where you complain about it.

Uh, ok.

Actually, I didn’t decide it. The FBI did.


Can you fairly call those monarchs world leaders when basically the entire Western hemisphere was unknown at the time?