
I say inundate them with comments. This layout is hot, smelly, poopy garbage, especially when compared to the previous AV Club website. They need to know that their regular visitors are anywhere from annoyed to downright pissed that they fucked it all up so badly. I’m terribly disappointed in the change, and I spend

No kidding. I’ve had my account around for years and years and I’m still in the grey for most of the commentary, outside of Gizmodo. Who do you have to blow to get out of the greys!

That aspect has made me feel a bit more reluctant to comment at times. There’s just something weird about dropping a standalone comment and it’s automatically made into a reply to the article writer, as if the article were one big comment. Which I suppose it kind of is, since Kinja effectively transformed articles

That’s just because you don’t understand the proactive and outrageous paradigm that promotes corporate synergy here at Univision.

I have yet to read a comment praising the transition from old AV Club to new AV Club. Hmm... could it be because it was a huge mistake and makes the site look like unnavigable shit? Nahhh....

I love when people use this argument.

I know Big Lebowski has been done to death, but in a Random Roles this long how do you not mention Big Lebowski.

They also believe that the media is out to get them, they are never in the wrong, and they are always the victim.

I guess they’re following the Smallville “it’s still an origin story even though he’s going to fight crime for five seasons, but they didn’t use his superhero name yet so it doesn’t count” rule.

I really feel bad for that baby hippo, being associated with Breitbart, Taylor Swift and Cincinnati so young in life.

You have such a valid point. I recall awhile back watching a “scene” of this girl and three guys. They were really rough and degrading with her, but she seemed to be going along with it. Then, I looked closer and saw on her neck was a “pimp’s tattoo” - a tattoo that pimps force their victims to get that shows their

Teen Vogue provides some of the most respected coverage of national events and MTV is becoming increasingly socially and politically there nowhere that teenagers can go for just pure trash entertainment anymore?

Isn’t a futurist version of Victorian London just present-day London?

[chewing noises] Mmm... Pass the co-pilot.

No thanks to the plane, we are still...alive!

Yeah, it’s important to look into the people who made what you’re watching,

I feel like that perfectly describes the angst of white people in the face of BLM.

... how do you know?

I thought you died on the way back to your own planet? No? And blaming The Daily Show for Trump winning? That’s actually one I haven’t heard before.