
Yeah, he'll be considered moderate to the kind of people who think that opposing the KKK is "leftist."

James Comey did more to win this election for Trump than Bannon ever did.

If he's already pled guilty, and left before sentencing, do journalists still have to qualify with "allegedly"? He admitted he did it.

Yes, many were built after so-called "Jim Crow laws" were struck down as unconstitutional during the passage of national civil rights laws.

Manos … the hands of fate.

Why are so many of those in Union states?? Like I get that America is fucken racist, but check a goddamn map, people.

I have absolutely no doubt that the man knows and is willing to exploit state secrets to bolster his readership and make a quick buck.

This guy thinks he's racially superior to almost every other human being who ever existed. The spotted grayish mass pictured at the top of the page. He thinks that.

I was really into "I hate my town" pop punk as a teenager. Never got into this band though.

Oh I see, you only care about victims who were murdered by Muslims, just like the Trump administration.

Donald "I need all the facts" Trump had no problem calling the events in Barcelona terrorism, tweeting a condemnation before ISIS took responsibility.

It's a depressing reminder that as long as you are attractive and stay on message (with calculated vagueness) most people will either flock to you, or excuse you with a shrug. (edited: stuff)

Not knowing what they said, I can't defend it. Antisemitism is wrong, full stop.

Well there you go.

No there's like 1-2 solar eclipses a year, but since most people just stay in one geographical reason, they seem rarer.

No, you're probably not the only one.

Although both Arabic and Hebrew are from the Semitic family of languages, I've only heard anti-Jewish sentiment described as antisemitism.

Ironically, Christie was undone because his previous decision to prosecute Kushner's dad, not because of any more recent, extremely public, blunders where he failed as a leader.

And nuclear is pronounced "nu-CUE-lar" because fuck you.