
I agree. The trivialization of the horrors of slavery, as you put it, has a long past when it comes to entertainment. Birth of a Nation was produced in 1915. And Gone with the Wind is older than my grandparents. Even to the point where a movie like Django (2012) biggest critics argued that Jamie Foxx shouldn't be

The editorializing is a cheap ploy to gain page views and comments. The product of this site is not reviews, the product is us and the revenue comes from ad space and maybe the Onion t shirts because I still buy those every so often.

Didn't you learn about the Tek War in elementary school?

I have weeded out Trump supporters from my social life months ago. It wasn't hard because I have Muslim heritage, so someone likely to sign up with a guy whose whole campaign was basically bitching about Muslims, immigrants, and "bad hombres" isn't likely to find me worthy company.

Oh I've been living here since 2003 but thank you.

I think the important thing would be determining whether he lies, not who's on the jury. That said, I'd like to see a jury of border collies. Not only would it be poetic justice but their floppy ears are soft and pretty.

Clinton was impeached because of perjury. If we get Trump in front of a jury where he has to tell the truth, well …

Actually, screaming into the void was my major in college.

Listen, I am living in the US today because that piece of shit started, and then royally fucked up, a series of wars that affect the region today.

Why scream into a pillow when you can scream directly into the fucking void?

No doubt, but calling it competence is a bit of a stretch.

I don't know if you've ever heard Pence try to explain anything, but the man's an idiot. He's just quiet and less likely to piss of McConnell. I don't know if I'd call that competence.

That was pretty much my reaction when I first heard it, too. In fact, I searched it on google before I posted to be sure.

I've already entertained the Portman staff by explaining "quid pro quo" about half a dozen times when DeVos was nominated. Plus I've been begging senators not to repeal the ACA. Just, I dunno, I'm tired of calling D.C. just to tell some 18 year old Republican shit how I feel all the time.

Good thing the president knows where his real priorities are: keeping the silicone crypt keeper happy.

It's an alternative to right. What's not to get?

Why not? We're already equating the consequence-free murder of children in the street by police officers with the proposed removal of a Robert E. Lee statue.

To the right, free speech means, freedom from consequences of speech. To certain segments of the population who are not vulnerable to systemic violence, opinions are the same thing as violence. That's why there's a law in Texas that makes resisting arrest a hate crime against police officers.

Well good luck finding a bar outside of Florida that stocks pineapple juice.