
To be fair, I haven't been able to make decent cheese with pasteurized milk, ever. And there's no legal way to get any unless you buy a livestock share.

You should hear how he tells it.

+1 for 'tarantula butts'

Have you ever tried pouring a cat out of a box

Some cats would hunt no matter what. But a lot of cats, especially former strays and very young cats, tend to rely on food they're given. I believe that TNR has more benefits than mass euthanization for the reasons I stated above.

A feral cat colony that's been identified and is trapped, neutered/spayed and released is typically fed for the rest of their natural life. They stop fighting, they don't hunt as much (no need) and they would generally die out within a decade.

I thought pet overpopulation was mostly domestic cats and dogs.

Actually TNR policies are both less costly and more humane ways to control the pet overpopulation.

I killed all your doritos.

If that cow got a chance, he'd kill you and everyone you loved.
(I bet I'm not the only person who types this.)

If you mean the early 90s, then yes.

That's basically whats on my christmas card.

Also crippling social anxiety. And maybe agoraphobia. And that pathological hatred of long lines.

I think it's because youth is wasted on the young.

Sweet Freedom is also the name of a brand of diabetic ice cream. So I imagine this book will be a sucralose-laden, artificially flavored analog to a real book.


It was sciatica. Leave it to me to get surgery on my head and somehow sprain my ass a week later.

Thank you I already feel much better than this afternoon.

I'm fine. I had surgery last week so I was scared it was something serious but the doctor said it probably isn't because the pain is local. I am taking some medicine that made me loopy and prone to oversharing.