
Your school doesn't have a student code of conduct? Do you mind if I ask where you went to school?

Not to mention the 230 more people who were themselves injured in the fire. It isn't just a financial issue although frankly even millions in settlements for one person would basically all go to medical care over 12 years; hospitalization and surgeries and skin grafts are not cheap.

Hi. I'd like to take a minute to explain this metaphor.

1- He resigned rather than apologize
2- His resignation was not accepted. He still has a job.
3- Threatening a mass shooting makes you a goddamn terrorist, not a "bully"
4- It's really easy to say not to give in and let them win when it isn't you being targeted. If this person said they were going to kill faculty members

That's messed up.

Yeah that's true. My car wasn't actually stolen; I think it cost me a couple of hundred to get the window replaced. I feel trivial complaining about it but I truly do not believe that the police are not concerned with protecting my safety or property and I think a lot of people feel the same way.

I actually am speaking from experience with that; I had my passenger side window smashed into once. They told me the monetary damages were not high enough to warrant a police report. They straight up admitted I wasn't rich enough for them to care.

tjp77 Umphlove • 16 minutes ago

That's true. I hate traffic jams so I totally deserve to have my car broken into and stolen.

Oh? Then prove your point. Name me a single university in the United States that permits students to yell racial epithets and threats at other students and faculty. Name me a single university with a brick and mortar campus that does not ask its students to adhere to a student code of conduct.

Well that's just demonstrably false. Name me any public university and I will find you their student code of conduct. Every single major university student agrees to adhere to a set of rules on college campuses in addition to federal, state, and local laws. They have to in order to begin attending school.

When you're a student, you agree to give up some of your constitutional rights and adhere to a code of conduct. While it is legal to yell racial epithets in public, it is certainly against the student code of conduct and the university has a right not to be represented by their most openly racist students.

"I had the worst day! First I didn't make cheerleader because I'm SO plain and I still don't have a date for Friday night, as usual."

I also can't believe how harsh they were to STATUS. I also balk whenever a guy tells me he has a 'crazy/psycho/stalker ex.' Even if it's just one I'll treat him gingerly until I know it isn't a pattern. If all his exes are like that I delete his number and pretend he doesn't exist.

I have some tips. Feel free to ignore or use as you see fit.
1- Start with your health insurance website. They sort by male/female, CLSW/psychologist/psychiatrist, and so on. Pick a few names of the gender and profession you want.
2- Over the next weeks, call your list of names. You'll want to confirm they take your

Yeah, I don't think BMO has a gender. BMO is a computer.

Peter's political career is generally pretty implausible. I don't believe he could have been elected dogcatcher after going to jail.

Oh, uh, I signed your name. I think you were out that week. Just play along.

Thirty five minutes? I'm not listening to all that. Summarize it in one note.

Like I said in my other reply, I don't think it should have gone exactly the same way. Refusing to be bought off is a very Lisa trait. Bart's new friend could blame him for stuff he didn't do (Bart's Girlfriend), be a bad influence on him (Moms I'd Like to Forget) or generally take away his social clout and ability to