
I don't know if my nystagmus is back or if that scene where Bob climbs the tree was animated in squigglevision but either way I loved it!

She doesn't know your fancy culinary tricks ok

Yeah it would have to be something else that precipitates a fight, but Bart's made single-episode friends before and they usually been believable.

I don't mind recycled plots. But they just did a Homer and Lisa themed episode and they did it so much better. Actually I would have liked to see Bart make the wealthy friend that impresses Homer and then have him choose his son's happiness over comfort.

That is a valid interpretation but the closing monologue literally contains 'the moral of this story is':

I'm shocked. Shocked!

Remember when they were on the boat?

That's a good question. I am not really at all familiar with that website.

I was told there would be no tests.

Galas are my favorite. And pink lady apples are a close second.

I don't know if it's egotistical to upvote you but your comment made me laugh so thank you.

I guess. I was thinking more like "Number 12 Looks Just Like You" or the one with the genie. I also like the one with Agnes Moorehead as the farmer.

I willingly accept that Jezebel and Gawker are shitty. I was honestly asking for alternatives in response to "there are many better feminist websites." I'm already aware of the AV Club but it's hardly a feminist website.

A false equivalency is when you're comparing two things that are not exactly identical, right?

I think they are just about to get a little cheaper. We're in apple season now, right?

I don't understand why a single honeycrisp apple costs two dollars but I still buy them because I'm a sucker.

Name them. For me they're either dead or just really shitty when it comes to anyone who isn't a white middle class woman trying to Have It All (tm).

You should put up a picture of the Awesome Smiley as your avatar.

Conservative movies are so try hard and shitty though. "The Big Brain am winning again! I am the greetest! Now I am leaving Erth for no raisin!"

Oh. I don't like the ones with a moral. I like the ones where life is hilarious and cruel for no reason.