
Fair assessment. I think Stewart makes himself the butt of a joke more comfortably than Noah does. When he is delivering jokes that are self deprecating he seems visibly uncomfortable. But overall still a solid show.

Can he just make a 22 minute show where he stares quizzically into the camera? I miss that most of all.

I am not following the logic here. How does my knowing several dangerous people who thrive in academia detract from your having good professors?

I didn't catch everything Peter said that was supposed to piss off the press. I noticed the anti-union thing but that's it. What did he say? I guess this series was scripted and planned before Sanders made the national news.

I don't think that was the point at all. I don't have a warm, fuzzy view of public universities myself; the worst people I've ever met were either university faculty or will be university faculty one day. No hyperbole, I'm talking about people who don't shower, people with zero cares about social convention or empathy


But only children are well represented in various media.

Oh, you're not an orphan? Hm, that's tough.

I actually kind of disagree with the Patakis one. Not the classification, just the idea that it wouldn't be a good premise for a tv show. Daria started off with a similar family dynamic: clueless dad, overbearing mother, vain sister. But then they gave story lines that allowed the family to support each other. By the

Listen, I'm no expert on these things, but I am pretty sure you just disgraced Catholicism with your "minding your own business" and "not making up shit about harm befalling children."

This has been answered below (or above depending on how you sort comments) but you don't need money to change hands to be someone's attorney. Otherwise, pro bono cases wouldn't have attorney-client privilege. Or contingency cases, come to think of it, since the payoff isn't until after the case is won.


Jerry Seinfeld doesn't want to go to college campuses anymore, anyway. I don't know why this was news, he decided a long time ago that he prefers high school students.

Marge does sound more like earlier seasons of Patty and Selma.

excuse you he voiced Chance the puppy how can Michael J Fox be evil

Not in the creepy sense, but in that she wants Alicia to get laid.

Well of course I understand why we're still doing these reviews. Can you explain it anyway?

Don't judge a woman by the cover of the binder she came in. That's how McCain ended up with Palin.

I think it might be dependent on the era in which you were young. Now there's a lot of free content and a plethora of opinions on anything from top hits to obscure graphic novels, there's no need to browse in a brick and mortar store, money in pocket, for entertainment. But even ten years ago this wasn't the case, and

I'm reading that right now. Should I find the movie when I finish the book?

I was thinking that getting people to buy the product was pretty much the end goal, but I don't know marketing and cover art.