
Ooh, me too.

If they don't start with the holiday music in October, the terrorists have won.

Don't dozens of paid professionals spend hours devising covers, graphics, and font type specifically to get people to do this? It's not being stupid to be aware that you bought something because of the effect of the cover. None of us are above it.

This isn't really related, but that Rick and Morty episode where they make Little Rick listen to Elliott Smith to trigger his teen angst was a depressingly accurate depiction of how to depress me as a teenager. And an early 20s adult. And a late 20s adult.

Those archived private journals are reserved for Gossip Girl fanfiction. Getting anything else through peer review is damn near impossible.

I read the interview and it was a shit-show. I thought Minaj did pretty well, considering. I like interviews where the person asking the questions asks tough questions, but they should also be fair and respectful. "Do you feed off the drama?" Please. How many times in the history of rap feuds has any man been asked

I got 80.3%.

You should have been in here when there were only dickety-eight comments. It was overflowing in here with lunch butter and stories of the old days.

This ad was brought to you by Meryl Streep's Versatility. Smell like Streep, for cheap!

Fantastic Mr. Fox?

Both of you stay out of the Blade 2 wiki. That's FD's turf.

Two women on the run from the law showing all the male authority figures what-for, getting scammed by Brad Pitt.

Yeah that's why men pay lower insurance premiums than women do. :-)

It's a proven fact that if you centrifuge a falcon tube stuffed with Michael Bay movies and chick flicks that the denser women's movies will travel to the bottom of the tube.

Well, I for one, am suitably distracted from that dumbass t-shirt. Good move, Streep.

Literally I said "character actress Margo Martindale!" out loud when I saw her and my roommate was like "wtf are you talking about." Apparently I'm the only one who watches Netflix original shows in the house.

I can't fix America

Hey maybe this is like the "I am Spartacus" amongst early-2000s radio-rock musicians.

Wow. I read the entire thing so long as you don't try to quiz me on the details. So … this should go without saying, right? But, "I want new women"? What the hell? Is there a network-level discomfort for leading ladies on CBS?