
I am going to write the comment that comments on shit they didn't watch/read/listen to. I didn't even know the Simpsons were back yet and I spent my Sunday watching disc two of Season 5 and I think I might be happier for it. I am kind of bummed about missing the new Bob's Burgers though.

This episode was on right after my brain surgery and at first I thought I was hallucinating that ending over a real episode of Two and a Half Men on tv.

At least you'll finally put down the Ross Perot pamphlet.

Do you really need the Reader's Digest version of a 100 word post? Or did you just want to convey the fact that you're a bigoted piece of shit?

Yeah I really don't need any more attacks just because I think transpeople are people and you shouldn't use slurs against them. Take it up with Mojo Jojo up there.

Oh, right, you're writing long screeds telling me I need to shut up, but *I'm* the one all about censorship.

You refuse to accept the possibility that transpeople are real life human beings and that fictional cartoons do real life damage to the self-perception of those human beings. You cannot be reasoned with. I believe that gender expression is personal and people shouldn't be dehumanized for it. You believe differently,

Can you take your transphobic "it's ok because I do it" bullshit to someone else? You're not going to convince me that it's ok to objectify real life transpeople and I'm not going to convince you that anyone who isn't a straight man is a real human being. I give up.

Maybe not but the FACT is that by demanding everyone cater to your (incorrect! Take it up with the show's creator or better yet, stop watching Rick and Morty) hetereonormative view, you are showing that you want to make life worse for transpeople.

All humans are vermin in the eyes of Morbo.

Yeah good point.

Ugh this isnt about the hurt feelings of a fictional hivemind, I'm saying that we live in a world where people call Caitlyn Jenner "it" in 2015 and transpeople (predominately transwomen of color) are regularly threatened and killed because of their gender. Calling someone who professes to be female but was assigned

1- What sort of analysis would you give to his behavior beyond "not the worst thing ever"? I think the several paragraphs Framke devotes specifically to explain his behavior belie this assertion that nobody's analyzed it. I'm not sure how you think it's lacking, especially considering how the review doesn't mention

There there.

Yeah, Rick was called a pansexual by Roiland. I think "them" is the perfect pronoun for Unity.

I would donate to NPR if I could really get that ringtone.

Oh great, it's one of those creeps who's going to get all bent out of shape because the reviewer didn't differentiate enough between pedophile and ephebophile.

"Making fun" is a bit aggressive. I would reserve that for scientists questioning the validity of another's theory. This is more like, eh, ribbing.

If I were Heisenberg, I'd be pretty pissed that some guy named Schrodinger gets popular credit for my ideas just because he wrote an article about a cat.