
More than a year ago, I was at a relative's house (who has cable) and I saw "Adventure Time" was on. I'd seen a few gifs of it before, and the impression I got was of a goofy cartoon with a few Easter eggs for parents, in the same vein as Spongebob. So I was like, "hey I heard good things about this show let's watch

Not as bad as the beach house delivery or the latin dance number in the next episode. GET IT?! IT WAS A METAPHOR.

In the kid's defensive, playing Aimee Mann over the final montage was a little heavy handed. Then again, so is making a stupid comment about a show where they literally say that using the internet is just screaming into the void.

I had to come back to this review and this comment because I rewatched season 26 and it is full of this kind of thing. The scene where Homer and Abe are sitting in a movie theater and Homer says "Finally, a movie about a dystopian future!" That would have been decent enough on its own, but then he lists a few. You

Waldorf Schools are notorious for having strict and crazy dress codes that "protect the innocence and modesty" of their students. But they should not have worn the hats indoors.

We're all pretending "full for love" didn't happen either although now I hope that becomes its own thing.

I'm not "debating you" because my opinions are not a court of law. Calling me stupid, dangerously insane, and lacking self-control, are not debate tactics anyway. And that is all you have done to me for the last 72 hours.

You're a pathetic, racist excuse for a human being, and I'm surprised that you're obsessed with replying to, and insulting me. But I am not surprised that your constant bullying and insulting is seen as socially acceptable, while my pointing out your very obvious bigotry is swept under the rug and deleted.

I don't know why the AV club deleted, not your racist, repeated attack of me, but my comments calling you out over it. I'd love to hear why it's more important for the staff to protect racist speech than the comments that rile them up, but I doubt I'll hear from the moderator involved. Here is my deleted comment, in

"Everyone has labels applied to them! Sure, you've lost family members, but *I*, *I* have had my feelings hurt! Also, I feel it's my place to pathologize your anger about being repeatedly insulted."

Seriously though, I'm pretty upset that some shithead replied to me as if racism will just go away if people would just stop ~being angry~ about it. Yes, tell me more about your ignorant racism apologetics.

Well. Blush is important.

Yeah they probably stopped being friends with your racist, condescending ass. Anyway, feel free to reply to me again. I won't read it. Goodbye.

"Oh I was just sharing a different perspective when I called you stupid! I mean sure you were regularly harassed because you were an Arab and you lived there, but *I* visited a couple of times and feel totally comfortable shouting at you through the internet about how you're clearly wrong because I know all about your

Then why the fuck did you rush in here to defend one person's dislike of a city? I mean, do you think Boston's in danger because I didn't like living there? Or are you such a giant, insecure, racist shit that you have to barge in whenever anyone disagrees with you?

The best at being a terrible, mid-sized shithole, yes. Congratulations on your moronic opinion, though. I'm sure that will comfort you the next time a racial epithet is trending on twitter because your city doesn't know how to lose at hockey.

Boston. Not the band, the city. Related: Boondock Saints 2. But I usually give most things a chance before they rip my heart out with their casual racism, terrible accents, and crummy plot holes.

I wanted to echo Godot's take on this and I think you should encourage her to look into legal options for recovering some money. It depends on how much was taken. I'm so obviously not a lawyer, but you can talk to a lawyer for a free initial consultation sometimes, so it might be worth asking around her home town.

I'm also sorry you're going through this. For what it's worth, I think it sounds like you're getting along. I'm sure things will work themselves out in the long run. Then again, to paraphrase a famous economist, in the long run we're all dead.

The re-runs really dropped off when Fred Rogers died. Maybe the programmers thought that's an uncomfortable conversation to have with kids. I tell you, though, I've babysat some ADHD children and Mister Rogers was a saint. His show is super calming.