
Also filed under Shit I Don't Get; people who work in politics and constantly harp on "thought police" and "political correctness." Literally political correctness was invented about not saying shit that will make people stop voting for you, you don't get to complain about it if it's a hazard of your goddamn chosen

Yes, that's what I meant. I mean, we let Kraft get away with calling it "cheese," why should I be held to a different standard?

I hate the taste of box cake mix cake, personally. Wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy a store cake on sale?

Only if she's white and uses too much turmeric. (Also it's traditionally applied to the skin. It's not as stupid as putting aspirin on your face.)

Doesn't have the same Vitamin R content, though.

If it were up to me, Jon Stewart would be on 24 hours a day like Krusty the Klown in that Twilight Simpsons episode.

Can you just extract some from your stockpile of Twinkies?

Easy tiger. They're keeping the ant parts in there. That's something, right?

Or you could just - yeah.

It's been a long day. Only Kraft Dinner can calm my nerves.

If you have yellow tupperware, you can fill it with warm water and drop a denture tablet in there. It will lift the tomato/turmeric stains right out.

Exactly. Turmeric and paprika will be easily overpowered by the cheese.

Have you seem that "artisinal" grown-up version? It lets you have a hands-on approach by building a roux base and stirring in your powdered cheese. I am pretty sure the packet of white powder is literally just flour. And you pay twice the original cost so you can get an ounce of flour and an ounce of powdered cheese

Hey, I liked it.

That's just in the toppings. But you get your choice!

Only my hairdresser knows for sure!

Luckily for all of you with really creepy searches, my numerous and boring searches are just clogging the google servers with basically useless data. I doubt the NSA *is* watching me, because it would involve long and boring hours slogging through Wiley and Jstor and minutiae related to whatever tv show I'm watching.

They'll have to skip seasons 18 and 19.

In the agricultural industry, in which a disproportionate amount of migrants earn money, children as young as 12 work more than half of the day picking produce or cash crops. Here's a Daily Show on it from last year. Here's an Al-Jazeera story on the same issue.