
Typically I spend the weekends rewatching HGTV shows on Netflix. Yes, I have the TV taste of an elderly man.
Anyway, I also watched Meet the Press, This Week, and Face the Nation. I'll stop with my Opinions if people find these posts annoying, although you can also simply collapse it. Then again, I guess I could just

No, I'd imagine not. But I could see Wonder Woman being a good story if they plucked her from a world where women rule and she's allowed to be as confident as she wants to a world where she's subjected to discrimination. But I feel like that would come off preachy rather than entertaining in the wrong hands.

Oh, as soon as I read the Atlantic article, I remembered Lepore was on Colbert last year. Yeah, that is interesting.

Lucite … hardening. Must end life … in classic Lorne Greene pose from Battlestar Galactica. Best … death … ever!

Um, what? Do you have a credible source for this because I would really like to read it.

In Smallville? I think so, but that's in keeping with what I know about the comic books.

Yeah but now we all get to make (ir)relevant Simpsons references about it.

Part of the reason why I couldn't get into Smallville is that Lex Luthor is depicted as a lifelong bald guy. I know that's such a stupid reason, but I watched the Dean Cain version, so obviously I'm not too discriminate in my taste.

I was waiting for someone to get that!


"Hey, guys. I got his wallet"

I still like the Ice King, but then I still like Tree Trunks. When I want to initiate a non-fan, I make them watch "Tree Trunks" the episode, or "What is Life?" Although Tree Trunks mostly makes them go, "what the hell did you just make me watch?"

Great, now I guess The Good Wife is going to have a story five months from now all about how Alicia's emails are being re-re-released by the controversial site chumleaks. And then over on Scabbit some people are being super misogynistic for like, no reason.

Truly an Our Bodies, Ourselves for the new millennium.

Thanks I'm keeping an eye on it. I went to the doctor today, but she was a geneticist so I forgot to bring it up. I'm up to date on tdap though so that's something? Eh.

I lost my cat in February and I'm still really upset about it. My sister got me a new cat but I'm really just going through the motions. The little turdmonster scratched me real deep on my palm the other day and now it's all red and swollen even though I've been applying neosporin.

This episode owes a lot to the Rosenhahn experiments in the 70s that introduced the idea into popular culture that psychiatric patients are never believed by those treating them. I know Futurama dabbles in some scientific concepts, but those experiments in particular really made an imprint on media produced since then.

I don't have the DVDs, but the Futurama wiki page has the caption order Mike Smith said. That's so weird that Netflix has them reversed.

The national political discourse is the most contentious it’s been in recent memory, while Fox News Channel reigns supreme as the country’s most-watched cable news source and, according to a recent poll, its most trusted.The Daily Show is far more to its audience than a joke delivery system, it’s a beacon of common

Yes! Adventure Time! Someone high five me.