
It's fine, I was too oversensitive as well.


That would have been hidden by the podium, but the rest of what you say is accurate. He kept revisiting the example later on in the lecture, too. I can laugh about it now.

Horseshit. I was pointing out that Wheadon was using a word, gentleman, which comes pre-loaded with many different meanings, as do virtually all words, and one of those meanings is an archaic construct of who a man is and how he should act to preserve social structures like sexism and classism.

I took a class in human sexuality (I got an A in it!) and I remember that the psychological definition of a fetish is needing something other than sex organs to achieve orgasm. The example our professor gave was women's underwear and he did it in such a profoundly creepy way that I still remember the definition of

I doubt he was professing his love for her, but he writes in his letter that he thinks she loves him, but he still kept the relationship going and wanted it to be secret. That's what makes him an asshole in my book.

I'm sorry you went through that. The first guy I slept with wanted to keep us a secret because he wasn't over his ex. Looking back, I can't believe I wasted any time on that douche. (Once I stopped wearing a headscarf, I had no trouble finding interesting people to date.)

That was surprising. I never would have guessed. I hope you didn't cause too much damage to yourself or anyone else. Maybe if you stay under the radar for a while, they'll come around. And don't double up on adderall if you're going to drink!

Thank you. I got to that post above being super harsh about Connie's "betrayal" and I was afraid all the posts were like that. I'm glad you wrote this, it's well put.

Does anyone else think that STUNG sounds like an asshole? And that Connie deserves better than to screw someone who is embarrassed by her?

I look forward to your next syllable with great anticipation.

Right, unlike every other construct in society, 'gentleman' is just about being polite and isn't a shorthand signifier of classist and sexist ideals for what a man "should be."

Geez, relax man. I'm not a bad parent. My 8 year old happens to be a stoner.

I hope it's better than their captioning. Sometimes it cuts off the last letter or two, and sometimes (like on tv) it seems like the person is just typing whatever they feel like is a good substitution, not transcribing the words that are being said. I can understand that for live shows and local news (they usually do

Great, now he just wants to "behave like a gentleman" which is totally only about being polite and has never been used to justify turning a blind eye to obvious prejudice.

Now who will waste time when the contestants fail to hem and haw for the requisite five minutes per question?! Oh, they got a guy to replace him? Wow, this newswire has been a roller coaster of emotions.

Damn kids!

I definitely need a new "kitten thinks of nothing but murder" t-shirt. This one has lost its pizazz.

Well it doesn't seem to have gone to the Trailer Park Boys's heads.

As a counterpoint to those of you who believe the grade is too low, I think this episode is maybe a high C.